You've done the right thing naming shaming to the rozzers. Put the registration numbers on here so if anyone googles them they should get flagged up
The rules HPI companies operate are quite strict. You have to make sure you perform these checks within their rules to be able to claim. They normally pay out up to a certain agreed amount if the information they give is wrong, and that info was given before the purchase, and you then purchased the vehicle thinking it was ok after the HPI check. But this normally only applies to the vehicle buyer if the buyer was the one making the HPI check and paying for it. It's the buyer they're giving the protection too.

It's good of you to go to the police. Hopefully the person who built/sold it before will provide them with help too if asked. I would hope the police have a good look round business where you bought it from.

Sadly the criminal world have realised tratters are easy to nick and swop bits about. There's probably a steady flow of parts sold second hand which may have been taken from stripped stolen vehicles. People have raised issues over engines with numbers missing being sold at events by trade and private. If it's cheap some may turn a blind eye. It's well known doors etc fall oft tratters but I've never come across anyone saying their engine number has fallen oft, even when wet.
On both the eBay and company advert the reg was blanked out, my wife had to be quite persuasive sending two emails (no response) and then phoning; the girl then said she didn't know the reg and supposedly then went to ask? This was all so she could perform an hpi on the car. So they werent being very forthcoming to start with.

In the public interest I will publish the registrations here only so that it will help people avoid going through the same experience as me.

G344 VFP (original build)
J593 KCK (reg on car when I bought it)

I have pictures of the car with both of these registrations on.
I haven't looked, had a very busy day so far sorting this out. Will be looking for sure. Think my research will be a lot more thorough next time around.
Mot history is very strange for both identities ! One lost over 140,000 miles and the other passed two MOT's and never increased its mileage then did 100miles with no mot
So what happened to it l wonder.....sold again?
I assume the Rozzers are happy that it's pukka, or they would have siezed it.

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