
Active Member
Howdy All,

Is anyone else daft enough to own a Series LR down here?

I've seen 2 or 3 about on the road so they at least pass through :D

I'm looking for friends lol...

Oh, and I know yer like yer pics round here:

Just after I bought her

How she looks now - still loads to do!

Most of the work has been under the bonnet so far:

I'm waiting for summer to do the cosmetics - paint would just wash off in this weather :eek:
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Not far, when the weather cheers up and the lanes dry out we could sort a Series day out?

Why wait till the dry weather? I took my SWB 2.25 1984 diesel out the weekend before last. Bit wet and muddy but it got through everything with no dramas at all, even that one at Elm Corner (Wisley airfield).
HelloChart25 here. I'm from Reigate with a few series 3. Would love to meet up as I am a novice. Mobile 07910 369534
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Hi mate, brilliant!

I've sent you a text, a meetup sounds great (btw you may want to take you mobile number down as this is a public forum and some people have a funny sense of humour :D )

So what trucks have you got then?
Hi mate, brilliant!

I've sent you a text, a meetup sounds great (btw you may want to take you mobile number down as this is a public forum and some people have a funny sense of humour :D )

So what trucks have you got then?

Scania, Erf, Foden, Volvo?:rolleyes::D

You are right about the phone number, I would remove if it was me.
Well this died... heard nothing further from Chart25 but I have noticed a few regular series 3's around Redhill/Reigate so they are out there lol

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