Rich has a point :D

I didn't do it before because I was doing loads of road miles, but now the work situation has changed, and my Landy is purely a toy, so I'm off to AJ's tomorrow for some tyres.

Heres the bit where everyone gets to have a viewpoint. Please comment !

1. Wheels - Do I keep the Boost alloys or get steels.

I know the steels are less brittle and easier to fix with a hammer, but the Boosts are sooooo sexy, and besides, if I hit something hard enough to break the Boost Rim the tyres surely going to be toast, so what benefit is being able to fix the rim with a hammer ???

2. What make MT's are best ?

It's between BFG's and Kumho's I think !

I'm expecting some healthy debate !!! :-D
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I think you should keep the alloys, gives it a touch of class... which you definately need:p

I would be inclined to try out the Khumos, not tried them out but they seem pretty good, and i think more people are leaning to them over the BFG MT's

If I get some time I will photoshop both types of wheel onto a pic of your motor
2. What make MT's are best ?

It's between BFG's and Kumho's I think !

If that's your shortlist, it'll be Kumhos then!
BFG MTs are rarer than hen's teeth at the moment. You're not going to find any at AJS unless you're looking for an odd size and they happen to have some lying in the back. When I popped in there a month ago, they had literally 1 or 2 BFGs and were slagging off the quality of the recent batches of BFG anyway. :rolleyes:

In terms of MTs, you're probably choosing between Kumhos and Cooper STT. Coopers are closest to BFG MT in pattern but are quite noisy on the road. I bought Kumhos (so I'm going to big them up :D) and they work great in the sloppy stuff! They are directional which complicates rotating the spare in. Kumhos are about £20-30 per tyre cheaper too....
Heres the bit where everyone gets to have a viewpoint. Please comment !

1. Wheels - Do I keep the Boost alloys or get steels.

I'm expecting some healthy debate !!! :-D

If you are running the Boost Alloys with spacers, which I think you said you were, then for Laning or offroading I would recommend Steels.

I did want Alloys on my 90 when I bought new wheels but because mine has rear drums I opted for modulars as I'm anti spacers. :cool:
I bought Kumhos
Good Boy, I thought you were going to keep the road tyres! So you must have been out then, found some people more adventurous than us lot then :p

Hey Medusa what is wrong with spacers, I mean is there a scientific reason for not liking them, or are you just a spacist (like a racist, but with spacers instead of Black People.....) :D

:hysterically_laughiI crack myself up...
The further out you stick ya wheels the more leverage you apply to the hub & axles components. & the more likely you are to find a gate that's too narrow to squeeze thru. & if you don't extend ya wheel arches yu stand a good chance of getting a ticket of the plod..
Good Boy, I thought you were going to keep the road tyres! So you must have been out then, found some people more adventurous than us lot then :p

Hey Medusa what is wrong with spacers, I mean is there a scientific reason for not liking them, or are you just a spacist (like a racist, but with spacers instead of Black People.....) :D

:hysterically_laughiI crack myself up...


The further out you stick ya wheels the more leverage you apply to the hub & axles components.

Cheers Pikey, think that's covered it :kiss:
Bollocks, I hate science, and the plod, and narrow gates !

But thanks for the info ! Now at least when i go for the touch of class option i will have been warned of the consequences :D

trying to justify the keeping the alloys I have come up with the following :

If anything should scrape on a narrow gate much rather it be a wheel than the bodywork...

I wanted to get new axles anyway

and plod will never catch me...:mooning: (that's for plod, not the kind folk that gave me valid advice ;-))
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Good Boy, I thought you were going to keep the road tyres! So you must have been out then, found some people more adventurous than us lot then :p

I have been watching this thread waiting for the next outing! My mods are coming along slowly - got myself some MTs obviously :cool: The road tyres were bloody awful - went shooting in the Cotswolds about a month back and had to navigate through a few freshly ploughed fields and I was slipping all over the place. Byebye road tyres:D Next up - a suspension lift!
I went playing with the cruisers 2 weekends back up in the Worcester area & still sporting some of the battle damage from that! I am still game to explore Surrey & neighbouring counties with the local LRs! I reckon your wider track with the spacers will be a nice guide to see whether my fatty LC can squeeze through the tight spots :eek:

Well so little happens here that I am heading up to Santa Pod on Sunday. (in no way intended as a dig :D) There is a separate thread for that outing, it's being organised by Brett (Spyderman) if you are game, give him a shout !
It's done, bring on the MUD !


My pub is also finished, everyone is invited for a drink :)



We came across a bloke trying to drive 40ft with Kumho muds on, he wasn't going anywhere. I think it was down to the fact that he'd bought really wide ones and they'd filled up with mud so much, they're was more tread on a slick.
A mate is coming along, he's pretty new to it all and has BFG AT's, new ones mind, should be interesting. It's pretty dry and the lanes have just opened for the summer, so hopefully we won't be spending time rescuing people.
I think it was down to the fact that he'd bought really wide ones

Yip I got really wide ones too :D

Anyway, it's done, there is no going back :rolleyes:

Tomorrow is a win win situation, if there is MUD I get to try out the new tyres, and if there is no MUD I won't have to spend the whole of Monday washing the landy so I'm happy ! :eek:
Nice tyres!!! :clap2: What size did you get? 285/75?
I think you'll be very happy with them AND they're quiet on-road! I found they out-performed Cooper STTs and BFG MTs (same size/same vehicle/same route) in some slippery clay/mud on a challenging off-road course. I'll be interested to hear you go with them!

Also, nice job with the pub BTW!
I got 265/75/16, that the biggest you can put on a landy without bending or cutting things to make them fit. I'll take your word that they are quiet, cause when my landy hits 25mph the only thing you can hear is 2.5 litres of screaming deisel engine :)
Ok, that should be a nice size for general use! Funnily enough the only time I notice any noise on them is at low speeds as they "speed" up. At cruising speeds, the wind noise masks them. Have fun with them today!

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