
Well-Known Member
think my heater blower has given up the ghost at the most appropriate time of year! as expected, thank you land rover!

so was looking for prices and i am seeing £75!??

does the td5 heater box fit? the blower and matrix... i am aware the matrix does..
Karlos, I planted the td5 heater in mine with no problems.

Had to change the rubber pipes and block connector.

The difference is amazing.
the rubber pipes from the engine water? i think il look for a used one then! block connector on the wiring?
You'll need to get the later water pipes as the inlets are straight.

The block connector is the later small type - I cut the wires and soldered the old connector onto the later model heater.

It's only an hour of a job but well worth it.
I didn't know when I sorted it out that the later pipes would fit - I basterdised the existing ones with an odd one which I had in the garage. At some point I'll replace them with 300tdi pipes or build my own using silicone pipes and ally bends.
Very interesting as mine give up the ghost 2 months ago and it was the power through the wires not the actual box so just wired up a switch on the dash so they are on or off!
Just saying so you can test it first before buying a new/secondhand unit and still don't work.
That's a good point but I found that the td5 heater was far superior to the td one I had. I think that it has a bigger matrix - but that would need to be confirmed.
I fitted a td5 heater box to my 2.5na, and just used the existing pipes by reversing them so I didn't have to bend them too much. It wasn't that much of a stretch to be honest. I had to weld on the control cable clamps to from the old heater box to the vent flap rods, and I just wired it up bypassing the resistor pack, so it just works on full speed. It comes out nice and hot like a hair dryer :)
yehh definitely on the look out for a td5 one now!

i have tested the switch, works perfectly, must be the motor, it has been making a racket for a while!
try direct power to the motor ( not going through the resister ) and see how that goes .
Well, I pulled up at home tonight, and it randomly just turned its self on! I have no clue how/why.. I have had the switch in the full on position the whole time! See if it works tomoro!
Hi Karl, my blower went on the blink 3 months ago and it turned out to be the connector all **** up with sand and mud.
I cleaned it up and applied a dab of silicon grease and it's worked fine since.
PS. Got my pre heater plumbed in now, no more cold morning drives down to Cheshire!
which connector was that? was it the one nearest the blower? good job it has started working, i cant get hold of a td5 one anywhere!
When I've done fixing my heater and sealing up the box, I'm thinking of fitting a 4" bilge blower to the intake duct and wiring it straight to the heater.Has anyone else done this and how does it perform?

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