
Just gone and got another disco, a 300tdi commercial to replace my series pickup. Well just gone to fill it for the first time and it took £120, my 200 only ever seemed to take a maximum of £90, didn't realise the tank was so much bigger until I finished filling as I was looking around and generally away with the fairies.
I went from a Vauxhall corsa that took 50 quid to fill to a td5 that takes 120! The look on my face must of been interesting when i saw...
Yer I had a corsa too, loved it. I'd probably get another one if I wasnt hooked on land rovers now.
I did think I was doing loads of miles to the half tank it came with, just turns out there was a bigger tank
Tdis are dearer to fill up to the brim than petrol V8s, that makes my day :hysterically_laughi

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