Has Anyone Tried Used Cooking Oil ? And What Are These Filters Like A Bag U Can Buy On Ebay Will They Allow Me To Use Old Oil Or Is There More To It Then Just Filtering It Through A Bag Chinese Fella Up The Road Get Rid Of It And Gets 50p Per Drum I Might Offer Him A £1 A Drum
Has Anyone Tried Used Cooking Oil ? And What Are These Filters Like A Bag U Can Buy On Ebay Will They Allow Me To Use Old Oil Or Is There More To It Then Just Filtering It Through A Bag Chinese Fella Up The Road Get Rid Of It And Gets 50p Per Drum I Might Offer Him A £1 A Drum

Veg oil, Cooking oil. Same thing....unless it is an animal fat oil...but it'll still work.

Waste oil is not just getting rid of the crispy bits. The food that goes into it will contaminate it with water, free fatty acids and other less than desirable stuff. Lots of info on the Web if you google for it.
Filter it to 5 microns (filters available for a coupla quid off of fleabag) and take the water out and it's just as good. If you turn it into biodiesel the process itself removes a lot of the impurities.

I use my defender 90 to tow my wife's horse trailer to various shows during the summer months. I would never touch red diesel, but am planning to use vegetable oil from time to time, now that diesel's about 114p at my local station. If I get dipped by the authorities at any of these shows, will I get hammered?
I'm new to all this, so would be obliged if anyone could point me in the direction of the rules and regs relating to the use of vegetable oil as fuel. In theory, am I supposed to send a cheque to the government for each litre used?
Much obliged chaps

Hi Douglas, wlcome to LZ!
1. Do a searcch on using veg oil on here, there's loadsa info
2. What you driving? If it's a TDi or a TD you should be OK running veg oil
3. For personal use you can produce 2500 litres without declaring tax. This equates to about 13,000 miles if used neat (or of course 26,000 if used 50/50) - per annum.
Loads of info on here and on Google
Good luck!
As Odenne sez, you can use UP TO 2500L of veg/cooking oil per household per annum without paying duty on the oil as "fuel". It is strongly recommended you keep a tally and preferably receipts for all purchases though. ;)
Good grief. 3L cooking oil is £1ppl at Tesco. 1L cooking oil at 98ppl at Tesco. Oddly enough....branded long-life 15L cooking oil at Tesco is 76ppl.
Still gonna get a Bookers card. :)
Managed another 40 puras today - now got 100 or so of the feckers in me shed! still 56ppl but am now having to wear masks into Tescos!
D'oh - thass ok Trewy, i'll know where to come lookin!! Anyway, you stocked up the other day at the same place so you're ok for a bit!

I emailed a "local" company asking for a quote for delivery of 500 litres (or more if cheaper), was thinkin bout turnin it into proper biodiesel after seein CharlesY's excellent instructions the other day, just so i din't ave ter give the gov ANY dosh - are you up for some (at cost of course) if it comes off? - dunno what they'll quote for bulk oil though.
Yup, I'd be interested.
There was a post on ear tuvva day from someone that had got a quote for a 1000 litre IBC of fuel-grade veg oil. Turned out it was more eggspensive than buying it from the soopermarket.
Humph....I posted a quoted price for bulk oil in here before. 90ppl. Robbin' feckers. :(

That was fer 1000L in an IBC...and there was a charge for the IBC!!!
Yeah, i saw that and was a bit surprised at the quote - wasn't it nearly quid a litre?!

I'll email a few suppliers and see if i can get some quotes, might apply for a waste management license off of the EA and see if i can collect some too (i have access to several hundred good sources all of whom would jump at the chance to get rid of some used stuff legally apparently, the water company is clamping down and checking delivery/receipt chits for oil) and let yer know. might need a hand brewing the stuff if we get there!
Helpful lot...

Dear Sir,
We unfortunately can’t deliver to Cornwall, but you can collect from us in Bristol if you wish. We can only sell oil in 20 litre containers. You may actually find it easier & cheaper to find a local cash and carry!
Kind Regards
Kassero Edible Oils Ltd


Please could you very kindly let me have a quote for the supply of your cheapest rape-seed (or other veg oil if cheaper) oil, for the delivery of say 500 litres to Cornwall.

I look forward to hearing from you

Yours sincerely
Feck me OD....at least you got a response!!! I'm still waiting for two companies to get back to me about selling oil in 1000L IBC's....not a sniff.

There has to be a market here somewhere if we can find a BIG bulk supplier. There's LZ peeps all over the UK who we could distribute through!!
There must be a Lz member makin bio to a good spec who wood wanna sell sum to members . . . . .:)

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