One that might be intresting

Booker Wholesale | Browse

77698ES -------- Vegetable Oil PM79 --------- 15 x 1ltr

That works out at 0.55ppl not bad and there are no restrictions on QTY BUT!!!!

These are trade... and as allways with trade the price is likley to be exvat so you probably need to add 17.5% to the price but it dosen't say on the site, i'll probably phone on monday and ask to confirm.. but even then it only works out at 9.75 which is 65ppl...


p.s. plus they do beer and fags too ;)
Good point i think your right ..

My exscues is i dont work in the food trade ;) lol

but looking about here is what i've found

Oil classified as food grade, new cooking oil is VAT zero rated and should only be used for cooking,

so long as you say its for a cooking there is no vat lol ;)

but tbh im not sure HM Revenue and Customs say nothing i can find about vat and using it for fuel... so i would guess if i buy from brookers it would be 0 vat saying that.. maby if you use over the personal limit you then need to pay tax on it

so 55ppl and no restrictions is not bad really


just found this ?

-Duty and VAT on Pure Vegetable Oil

Excise Duty must be paid on any liquid fuel you use to power your vehicle. In addition, as pure vegetable oil used as road fuel is no longer considered a food-stuff, it is also liable to VAT.

This section details the discussions we have had with HM Revenue and Customs to ensure that they apply the correct duty rate.

What is the correct Duty rate?

Under the Hydrocarbon Oil Duties Act 1979, as amended by the Finance Act 2002, pure vegetable oil is a form of biodiesel, and so is subject to a road duty of 27.1 pence per litre, compared to 47.1 p/l for normal diesel.

Do I need to register with HMRC to run my car on veg-oil?

You can register with HMRC, but it is much easier to buy duty-paid fuel from a company like us, who are already registered, and keep the receipts as proof that the duty has been paid on your oil.

If you register yourselves, then you must keep a full record of all the oil you buy and set-aside as road-fuel, with all receipts etc., and submit a monthly return and a cheque for the total duty liability.
I think the bit about paying excise duty has changed since that was written (and been discussed a fair bit on here) - it classes as a biofuel, but it;s an interesting question about having to pay VAT on it - absolutely, as a foodstuff it would be zero rated but of course as a fuel it wouldn't!!
Yeah but that's another can o worms opened up - tax on fuel used for cooking is half the VAT rate i think so you could argue that half the fuel you were using was for getting you from a to b and the other half was for cookinh yer chicken, you'd probably end up with a VAT rate of about 12% (and a headache, and food poisoning!)
Yeah but that's another can o worms opened up - tax on fuel used for cooking is half the VAT rate i think so you could argue that half the fuel you were using was for getting you from a to b and the other half was for cookinh yer chicken, you'd probably end up with a VAT rate of about 12% (and a headache, and food poisoning!)
Kinnel Odi, Are ye an excise man??
NOOOOOOO WEEEEEH!!! Was self employed till about 4 years ago (and had to VAT register) so genned up on what i could get away with coz i'm a tightwad and wanted to do me own tax return, but get away with as much as possible!

I'm a 5 minute expert!
NOOOOOOO WEEEEEH!!! Was self employed till about 4 years ago (and had to VAT register) so genned up on what i could get away with coz i'm a tightwad and wanted to do me own tax return, but get away with as much as possible!

I'm a 5 minute expert!
Just checkin';) ;) :D :D :D

Cheers Ade. Marton is a fair drag for me so I'll have to look into asking at my local Tesco and find out why they don't seem to be stocking it. Can't find it online either.

Regarding the tax position on veg oil. If you are using WVO then I assume there is no VAT to pay, or any other tax. So...if you did get dipped...would they really be able to tell if it was new oil or old oil??
They might get suspicious when they see the 30 or 40 full and empty Pura bottles kicking around in the back!
As far as I can remember, the last lot I bought for my son, was from Makro.
Bought a couple of 20 liter plastic bag in a box.
I think it was about £12.85.

No vat was payable.
veggy oil,its just gone up 27p a litre, the greedy bsds........they make 70p+ per litre at the check out, diesle they only make 20/25p.............Grrrrrrrr...& they wonder ...........why shop lifters take the **** too......(not that i am), fill ya boots lads! lmao :)
Just to get you prepared/****ed off, oilseed rape is currently trading at around £340/tonne for next harvests crop. I think that we can expect to see plenty more price rises for veg oil!
I still can't work out why there is such a big jump from the 56ppl pura to the 74ppl that is the next cheapest?:confused:
Bin to Tesco today. 3 of em. All of em had sold out of ALL of their 3L 74ppl cooking oil. When asked..."We'll be stocking up tonight"


AND...they've now stopped the 5p per litre off fuel if you spend over £50 on groceries.

Won't be going to Tesco then!!

The cherry is looking more and more attractive. M..U..S..T R..E..S..I..S..T :(

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