ffs half the time the stuff you'll get from bp/esso is EXACTLY the same as the stuff you get from the supermarkets. and unless you're running a nice beemer or something else fancy then who gives a fook

Yeah, but it's the other half the time which seems to be the problem:D:D:D
I went to tescos today to "top up" my fuel tank,
only needed a splash really till the golden eagle ****es tomoz...

I got £6 in change, so do I pull into the tesco garage forecourt,
not get a gallon of derv fer £6,
or drive a few hundred metres further an get just 5 litres fer my £6
but in a big plastic bottle,
marked "200DTi pure sunflower oil"... :)

the golden necter won !

it mixed with my 1/4 tank of pricey derv on the way home,

I dont care wot crap esso/shell/BP/total?/tesco/morissons/asda any other garage sells,
as long as it mixes wiv me golden nector :)
I always go to a 'proper' fuel place if i can like bp or shell or whatever. Might as well get the best stuff for the sake of a few quid, especially when good diesel is important for the longevity of a diesel engine.
I always go to a 'proper' fuel place if i can like bp or shell or whatever. Might as well get the best stuff for the sake of a few quid, especially when good diesel is important for the longevity of a diesel engine.

+1 on that. and less maintenance

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