New Member
As I have a new Range, well its a 2000 but new for me, I got excited and pressed loads of buttons on the fob and now when I drive off the car superlocks, which I dont want to be the case. Am I correct in saying that this happened because I pressed the lock button within 1 or 2 seconds rapidly and to disengage superlocking I simply have to press unlock twice rapidly???? :eek:
Can't you give the key fob to a toddler.... Once they've played with the buttons it may have resolved it :)
Lol I do the job of a toddler rather well as you can tell! Is there going to be any advice or just tomatoes while my face is in the blocks!!!??
Didn't know the P38 came with Auto-Locking doors during driving....mine doesn't (1999 DSE).

Could be a dodgy door locking solenoid/microswitch causing it to lock whilst driving...
Isn't it to do with the nationality set in the BECM?
Isn't there one that locks the doors whilst driving?
Where's a BECM wizard when you want one?
My old 98 merc dose that and you cant change it, its for security against car jacking.
I would suggest its the same for yours the tech was there in 2000 and where you are id
have a rudy machine gun mounted on the bonnet.
Pressing the lock button twice will superlock the doors. I think that almost noone uses this because if you loose battery power there's no (easy) way to get into the car, because the key won't unlock the door.

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