Do you work for BP,
Its always a few pennies a litre dearer than the local shell, to my mind thats to pay for there fcuk up in America a couple of years ago

I don't work for BP! It does work, I have a Jag XJ40 and it increased my MPG by 20 in six months! Besides, you do know that BP are the majority share holder in Shell. They re-designed it to fail by badly refining oils and selling it cheaper - BP remaining a premium brand - but now BP make massive profits out of it because of the prices. True about the America thing, but they still made a profit that year if you remember? BP is huge. And at the end of the day, I don't want to buy Shell stuff since the Company is French. It be like buying a Citroen! Stupid cheese eating surrender monkeys... :)
I don't work for BP! It does work, I have a Jag XJ40 and it increased my MPG by 20 in six months! Besides, you do know that BP are the majority share holder in Shell. They re-designed it to fail by badly refining oils and selling it cheaper - BP remaining a premium brand - but now BP make massive profits out of it because of the prices. True about the America thing, but they still made a profit that year if you remember? BP is huge. And at the end of the day, I don't want to buy Shell stuff since the Company is French. It be like buying a Citroen! Stupid cheese eating surrender monkeys... :)

then you seem to have done a lot of research into a company you have know allegiance with,
I'll stick to shell, thanks

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