
Active Member
sorry guys I know sunroofs have been covered lots but cant find what i am after.

can you seal the sunroofs sufficiently from the outside without taking out the headlining through sealing around the glass and metal trim.

plan to use tiger seal.

I helped my mate seal the plastic surround to the roof externally, we just masked either side of the frame edge leaving a 3mm space or there about;s and run a thin bead of external Silkaflex around, removed the masking tape and it was hard to see that there was and sealant used unless u was shown of course.

Make sure you sealant is external weather proof, UV protected etc etc.

If the glass seal if faulty it will have to be replaced, that seems simple to do from what I gather from the forum posts.
Best way to fix leaking sunroofs is to not have any sunroofs. Fitting a non sunroof roof will do the trick :)
Perhaps they only leak if u use them, I didn't won't them, so don't use them and guess what, they don't leak.
The way they bounce up and down when open and flexing the roof when driving on a bumpy road I can see why the seals fail.
Where abouts is it leaking into the car?
I had a leak from my rear sunroof that was dripping in from the sunroof handle.
I lowered the headlining slightly around the rear sunroof and found both drain tubes had moved and were running higher over the headlining than what they should have been, the water wasn't draining correctly as a result and the water was just sat splashing around in the sunroof cassette and overflowing in through the handle. (hope that makes sense).
Anyway it was an easy fix, I just had to route the drain tubes correctly
I just duct taped round / over mine - 5 miniute job and you have to be bloody tall to see it lol. Havent had a drop through since and roof inside is now bone dry.

Plus easy to remove if I ever decide to do the job properly :D
Where abouts is it leaking into the car?
I had a leak from my rear sunroof that was dripping in from the sunroof handle.
I lowered the headlining slightly around the rear sunroof and found both drain tubes had moved and were running higher over the headlining than what they should have been, the water wasn't draining correctly as a result and the water was just sat splashing around in the sunroof cassette and overflowing in through the handle. (hope that makes sense).
Anyway it was an easy fix, I just had to route the drain tubes correctly

Still leaking then :( ever wondered the drains are only at the front?
I just used lots of silicone sealer. It worked and then started leaking again :( so resealed it and so far its working. Though now I have just tempted fate and will get wet on way to work tomorrow :(
i dont even think they are leaking to be honest, lining not damp or sagging etc. just dont intend to use them and wanted to seal them for good before they do leak
Evening all, not meaning to thread-jack ~ but I have something of a leaking sunroof issue also... I live in a flat and was on the phone the other day (to a Land Rover friend... Discussing Land Rovers!) when all of a sudden I hear an enormous 'Bang!'

I say to my friend instantly 'Andy! I've gotta go, my trucks are outside and I've just heard a big bang' ~ 'no worries!' he says 'call if you need help!'

I rush downstairs to find my sister standing next to my Disco nearly in tears... 'I'm really sorry!' she says 'I threw a small stone at your window to try and get your attention - it hit MEG on the way down and has broken her sunroof!'

That was the bang. So it's chequer plate over the top for me then...

If you take your truck to play days, be careful ~ when they pop... They pop!!

Glass was everywhere! I was sweeping the road below my flat for ages at 11 o'clock at night cleaning it up. :mad:
hmmm, bristol though.

how much would one have to pay for such an item.

also hoe easy are these to change out?

Doesn't look to hard to do although I am sure some-one who has done will be beter to ask. Say £30? I've cut the pillars so you can peal apart as needed to refit :)

Evening all, not meaning to thread-jack ~ but I have something of a leaking sunroof issue also... I live in a flat and was on the phone the other day (to a Land Rover friend... Discussing Land Rovers!) when all of a sudden I hear an enormous 'Bang!'

I say to my friend instantly 'Andy! I've gotta go, my trucks are outside and I've just heard a big bang' ~ 'no worries!' he says 'call if you need help!'

I rush downstairs to find my sister standing next to my Disco nearly in tears... 'I'm really sorry!' she says 'I threw a small stone at your window to try and get your attention - it hit MEG on the way down and has broken her sunroof!'

That was the bang. So it's chequer plate over the top for me then...

If you take your truck to play days, be careful ~ when they pop... They pop!!

Glass was everywhere! I was sweeping the road below my flat for ages at 11 o'clock at night cleaning it up. :mad:

Haha yeah. I was trying to get the windscreen out and that Ba****d popped and covered me and a mate in glass, And the bonnet, driveway, path road and my mums car.. lol
Haha yeah. I was trying to get the windscreen out and that Ba****d popped and covered me and a mate in glass, And the bonnet, driveway, path road and my mums car.. lol

They're bonded though right!? A bonded removal very rarely ends without a break! Lol :D

I knew I'd have to leave no trace ~ a couple of my neighbours are not keen on my excessive Land Rover collection at the best of times! ~ not that they ever block them in!! ;)
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They're bonded though right!? A bonded removal very rarely ends without a break! Lol :D

I knew I'd have to leave no trace ~ a couple of my neighbours are not keen on my excessive Land Rover collection at the best of times! ~ not that they ever block them in!! ;)

Yeah cut it all the best I could so started gently pulling the glass out. Felt mostly cut so sat in her and it was gently peeling away getting more and more loose then BANG.
I just used lots of silicone sealer. It worked and then started leaking again :( so resealed it and so far its working. Though now I have just tempted fate and will get wet on way to work tomorrow :(

Knew I shouldnt have said anything, I got pee wet through with all the leaking :flame2:

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