
New Member
Hello all...
I have a freelander 2005 HSE just wondering if there are any mechanics out there willing to repair my leaking sunroof in the Birmingham area?
I have had a ridiculous quote from Halfords so was just wondering if anyone knows a good mechanic or who is able to fix this for me in the Birmingham area?
Best wishes.:)
Why is it leaking? Open it fully and have a look. You may find muck in the guttering. Also push some thin wire down the water drain holes at the front in both corners to check they're clear. The pipes sometimes come oft anorl.
Oh get a life sitting behind your computers posting ****!. Any coward can do that. Learn some manners yourself for new members!
Im not here to post an autobiography. Pathetic!

Thank you hippo for your kind advice im glad some people are decent. I did all of that prior to taking it into Halfords. I have ordered relevant parts and shall be having the work work carried out. Thanks for your help tho mate.
Get a life? Get some manners fella, you are after US helping YOU after all!!! EVERYONE is asked to go introduce themselves first, common courtesy an all that.

You can be sure Hippo wouldn't have posted anything either, if that outburst got posted first!
Do you walk into a garage and abruptly tell them to tell you what's wrong with your car? Or do you speak to them first?

Whole point of a forum is for discussion, not people to waltz on, "tell iz watz wrong wiv me car m8" and then feck off again or take it to Halfords, you get nowt for nowt after all
Oh get a life sitting behind your computers posting ****!. Any coward can do that. Learn some manners yourself for new members!
Im not here to post an autobiography. Pathetic!

Thank you hippo for your kind advice im glad some people are decent. I did all of that prior to taking it into Halfords. I have ordered relevant parts and shall be having the work work carried out. Thanks for your help tho mate.

What a 100% bell end.
Hello all...
I have a freelander 2005 HSE just wondering if there are any mechanics out there willing to repair my leaking sunroof in the Birmingham area?
I have had a ridiculous quote from Halfords so was just wondering if anyone knows a good mechanic or who is able to fix this for me in the Birmingham area?
Best wishes.:)

Oh get a life sitting behind your computers posting ****!. Any coward can do that. Learn some manners yourself for new members!
Im not here to post an autobiography. Pathetic!

Thank you hippo for your kind advice im glad some people are decent. I did all of that prior to taking it into Halfords. I have ordered relevant parts and shall be having the work work carried out. Thanks for your help tho mate.

ooh bad manners and a profanity across his/her only two posts...absolute gem of a forum member, actually, just a member really:D
when I got it into my head to get a freelander, I looked for a web site with a forum about freelanders. I found one. "landyzone" I looked at the forum and read lots of posts. some told me what problems to look out for and how fix them, which would cost lots and those that are cheap and simple. other posts showed me what could be done with a freelander.
But I also found out how the site works, what other members expected from new members. like the rest of the world they don't take kindly to people just turning up with problems getting free help and then p**sing off again with out so much as a hi or thank you. I picked this up from lost of post as I looked over the site. just a shame bhamfreelander didn't.
Oh get a life sitting behind your computers posting ****!. Any coward can do that. Learn some manners yourself for new members!
Im not here to post an autobiography. Pathetic!

Thank you hippo for your kind advice im glad some people are decent. I did all of that prior to taking it into Halfords. I have ordered relevant parts and shall be having the work work carried out. Thanks for your help tho mate.

bhamfreelander i get the feeling you most probably wont be staying with this site, although if you do you will learn a great deal,and believe me if you own a freelander you will need help at some point, there are a lots of helpful and knowledgeable peeeps on here , we do get a few newbies passing through , just wanting to know the answer to their problems, then they bugger off.

sunroof problems are easily repaired usually costing nothing but a few hrs of time depending on the fault, but halfords will happily take your money , , what did they quote you out of interest ?
The forum is busy and vibrant, there is an unwritten rule that those who do not contribute and just take are ignored.

That said forum members with a few posts who have participated often find that other forum members will go out of their way to help even visiting them
The forum is busy and vibrant, there is an unwritten rule that those who do not contribute and just take are ignored.

That said forum members with a few posts who have participated often find that other forum members will go out of their way to help even visiting them

But don't worry most of them leave again when the food runs out :D
I met up with a great member when on our way back from the Isle of Skye. It was a welcome break and he and his partner were very friendly, and gave us a cup of tea and bacon buttie.

Get to know us and we will help you.
I think the best thing the OP could do is ask kindly for his account to be deleted so he can open a new account with a different user name and still use the same email address. What's gone on on this fred is daft and should be forgotten. There's more important things to life. Freelandering is one of them.

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