

Anyone out there knows how to remove the four plastic sunroof clips that hold the sunshade in place?

I've already removed the glass panel from atop but don't know how to go about removing the plastic clips that have the metal fastner spread on top...

I was thinking of spreading out the metal part and maybe apply some tension on the sunroof panel from the inside in the middle but don't know if that will work?

Any advice is surely appreciated!

Thank you,
Carefully.... you cant get them any more... have a look in the "How To" I might have explained there... cant remember though
They clips I pulled the sunshade to one side clips fell out,then spent ages trying to find them as they escaped into nooks and crannies, replacements eblag had then on £14 methinks or scrappy classic sunroof clips same as p38.
Thank you guys. I did just that and managed to get the shade panel out without breaking any of the clips. I think reinstalling I might not be so lucky. How would you recommend to reinstall the new panel? I was thinking of fitting the panel in one runner and then bow it again in the center to get it back in. Does that sound like it would work?



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