I can't see that it matters, the hole inboard so water wont be going into it, perhaps 'if' there is a position for it it's at the front, the final area of the seal to compress. Who knows :)
By chance the hole is locted on the offside front corner of the sunroof seal so by chance it could be in the right position, near enough.

I did wash the Landy the other day and it didn't leak.. so fingers crossed the problem has been resolved (I know its hard to say just with a small amount of water.. will soon know next time theres a down pour).

Thanks for the help/advice. :)
Hope I don't sound too thick - but when you've got the sunroof motor out - should you be able to turn the cogwheel manually - mine won't budge - either with an allen key at the bottom or even with a molegrip on the cogwheel itself.
Also what wires should i put to the battery to test the motor itself?
Hope I don't sound too thick - but when you've got the sunroof motor out - should you be able to turn the cogwheel manually - mine won't budge - either with an allen key at the bottom or even with a molegrip on the cogwheel itself.
Also what wires should i put to the battery to test the motor itself?

Please someone correct me if i'm wrong but, with my old sunroof motor and the new'ish one, you could not turn the cogs by hand - only when the lower part of the sunroof motor assembly was dismantled and removed)

I follow the advice given on this forum topic and manualy opened and closed the sunroof by means of inserting an allen key into the motor (obviously the motor was firmly attached to the sunroof assembly) but it did take a bit of force and a lot of winding, and the allen key has to be fully inserted. Can't say I would advise the "molegrip on the cogwheel" method, I would imagine that the teeth on the cog may get damaged.

Me personaly, I would advise that you dismantle the lower half of the motor and check for water ingress/corrosion as mine was full of water and wasnt working - (I had nothing to loose by trying!, I cleaned the internals with contact cleaner and did manage to get the motor to operate but to no avail, the motor was too badly gone to salvage, months of water ingress had weakened the motor itself).

If I remember correctly, there are only two wires going to the motor (Red and Brown, the other two thinner wires go to the micro switch which tells the sunroof ecu what position the sunroof is in). - I'm no vehicle electrician, but I would hazard a guess and say that the red is the live, and brown neutral (earth).. but I'm only guessing! - you may want to double check this before you go doing any testing!
will soon know next time theres a down pour
I know we've had a lot of rain recently but i'm somewhat annoyed/glad, I noticed that the water in the headling has disappeared which is good :) but annoyed as I have now noticed some water around the built in sat nav unit screen (directly below the sunroof motor), I pulled the sunroof trim off and opened the sunroof to take a further look, and it would seem that a small amount of water is coming from the sunroof mechanism, down past the sunroof motor cog, across thye sunroof motor and down onto the light/satnav console :mad: (bloody water - is there no stopping it) :doh:

I'm somewhat at a loss of how to deal with this, as mentioned before I have fitted a new sunroof seal, and repaired the drain channel sealant which has fixed two issues, as I cant see any water getting past the new seal.

Any ideas/advice on how to combat this rather annoying issue, annoying as you cant seal the sunroof mechanism where the motor attaches too, for obvious reaons.
Water getting in has to be an iffy seal. :(
I think your right, can't see how else it's getting in, not a lot of water, just enough to annoy the hell out of me and possibly cause damage. :(

On closer inspection today I noticed that the seal towards the back of the sunroof isn't as tight as the front and it does look a little damp on the plastic, this could be where the water is getting in).. Is there any way of making the sunroof sit tighter on the seal or does this involve the seal been ripped out as I used silicone to seal the bottom of the new seal when i fitted it.. not sure if this was a good idea or not but I was advised to do so.

I'm somewhat out of ideas (which isn't a first!) apart from siliconing the sunroof shut (which I really, really don't want to do!) I don't see I have many more options left, unless there's a way of making the seal sit tighter to the glass :confused:

Any advice gratefully appreciated!
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The placement of the class on top of the seal according to the workshop manual IIRC is leaving a 5mm, although it maybe more, gap between the glass and the frame edge. Unfortunatly when the the glass is pulled down on to the seal by the motor and the 'hockey stick' sliders at the front are fully home that's it, although if the rear of the class is raised up slightly then the motor drive hasn't completed it's drive fully before cutting the power.

The cutting out at the end of the travel is I believe done by the micro switch so if it's operating to early then the roof isn't closing fully, that's just my theory if correct then the stop position can be moved by having the drive cog indent not quite opersite the painted dot, but moved to one side it will only be a fraction and which side of the dot will be trial & error

Placing Vaseline or similar on top of the seal and seeing if it transfers to the glass may help with checking the seal to glass contact.
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I can't see any water at the moment, I have taken the map/light/satnav console down to inspect for any water damage but it didn't rain heavily last night so there's no sign of any water around the motor.

It does look as if the seal towards the rear of the sunroof is being compressed by the glass, maybe not quite enough.. somewhat annoying that I can't quite see where the dam thing is leaking from, I shall keep an eye on it, seeing that we have some really bad weather heading our way, if it stops raining I shall try the Vaseline method and report back.

I've only had the sunroof experance with my mates two, first he broke a roller from the track so he purchased a s/h sunroof replacement from e-bay, I stripped it down completely gave him the the track, all the rest went back on e-bay we just dumped the scratched glass and lower tray but the four class screws were sold so were the drain cups, the plastic outer frame, motor, blinds and class seal we got our original money back plus cleared £20.

Then we rebuild the sunroof with the newish track also replacing one of those arms as the e-bay item had been "modified" or bodged by the owner who must have had a problem, then played around with the motor to get the glass to open and then shut tight.

Refitting the seal was fun as we used soap at first, that allowed the seal to pull out in places so we cleaned every thing and fitted the seal dry.

We found that sitting in the disco in the dark while it was raining with the aid of a bright led torch we could see the water just seeping over the top of the seal at the front so next day we reseated the seal, now ok and job done.

I'm just glad I never use my sunroofs I did once but driving with the glass open it was bouncing up and down, all very iffy so now they only get opened once a year for a clean. :)
Hi UKAirbourn,

When I did eventually fix mine I found that the water level in the drain tray could rise above the height of the motor drive hole, that where the water came in to ruin the sunroof motor, I found that the drain tubes as installed were taped to the roof, this raises them up. acting like the water trap in a sink, the drain tray would not drain until the level in it was high. took the tape off and made sure the tubes had an even drop to the windscreen pillars and the water level in the drain tray dropped below the higher fixing holes and the motor drive hole. As for the seals, the drain tray is supposed to collect the water which gets between the glass to frame gap, no water was entering via the seals, as I suppose you could consider the drain tray to be outside the vehicle (effectively) so no work with the rubber seals will stop this sort of leak as they form on part of where the water is getting into the vehicle.

If you have standing water in the drain tray check your drain tubes, look for the tape which sticks them to the roof and adjust as required, You did well with the price for that motor, I had the plastic drain sumps re-glued on mine as they were leaking too. I think,suspect that the drain tray was a bad design and could have been much deeper, but it was shallowed to allow for headroom, a few millimeters would have made the world of difference. as you have seen the water come via what should be high points, which were supposedly would be above water level as the roof was draining, but the shallow nature of this design means if you get the slightest problem with drainage the level rises above its high points and we get leaks, duff motors etc, as you have found out there are no seals on those so called high points...lol...so you silicone the fixing screws and even around the motor, but that will only slow water ingress, best to keep on top of the drain problems.

Still its a triumph when you get it sorted. sorry for the ramble, but looks like you have been through all the same steps as I had. I still have two brand new L/R rubber seals which are now spare, so a bit of a waist of money...have to get around to putting them on the bay.
Well.. I've had enough of this darn sunroof issues, yesterday morning I was horrified as I went down my lane on my way to work, I stopped at the junction and what felt like a gallon of water came shooting out of the drivers side seatbelt pillar :eek: it was ruddy cold!, I don't think I have ever exited a vehicle at such a speed before.

So today I decided to sort the job once and for all.. this time its the rear sunroof, leaking between the body and the sunroof assembly itself.. plus the collection tray lugs were leaking and one side quite badly rusty (pin hole in the one side), so thats been ground back, treated and is going to be sprayed a few times with hammerite, and the plastic parts glued back on and siliconed for good measure!

I have managed to squeeze the vehicle into the garage but had to ring of assistance as I stupidly forgot to open the back door of the garage- Luckily help was in the house drinking coffee. :p woops.. :eek:

I have got to the point where the sunroof is out of the vehicle and needs siliconing in place however I couldn't see any silicon, just some sort of (what looks like foam) :confused: that runs round the entire edge of the sunroof mechanism .. surely landrover wouldn't have left it like that!?? - although it wouldn't suprise me if the last owner had tried to have a go as some of the interior clips did show signs of damage (guessing where they have been removed before).

Question is, do I leave the 'foam' :confused: inplace and just put some "tiger seal" on the vehicle body or do I try and strip the 'foam' stuff off - (it's definately not sealant - if it is it's new to me!) - also do you have to add a little bit weight to top of the sunroof so it sits better as it could be another day before i'm able to attach the drip tray. - I'm kind of stuck at the moment, so i'd appreciate any help you can spare.

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Yes that's the material LR use but i'm sure it was a lot thicker when the sunroof was installed but then some have rubber, just remove that with thinners or similar, on my mates we used petrol as we have gallons of it.
Then run a 10mm max bead of your tiger seal around in the same place and fit the sunroof back into the hole lined up with the tray and do the 14 screws up crossing over so to clamp it down evenly, no weights required
If you to much seal and it will squeeze out and then you will have a clean up job to do, so avoid that if u can.


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Yes that's the material LR use but i'm sure it was a lot thicker when the sunroof was installed, just remove that with thinners or similar, on my mates we used petrol as we have gallons of it.
Then run a 10mm max bead of your tiger seal around in the same place and fit the sunroof back into the hole lined up with the tray and do the 14 screws up crossing over so to clamp it down evenly, no weights required
If you to much seal and it will squeeze out and then you will have a clean up job to do, so avoid that if u can.
:) Thanks, your a star, will wait till I have fully repaired the drip tray then .. thanks.
Just a quick question, before I go making a balls up of something!.. I saw on a website somewhere, a guide of how someone else fixed their sunroof issue by resealing between body and sunroof but when they fitted they also put sealant around the sunroof assembly on the 'inside', they also put silicon on top of the drip tray :confused:

Is it wise to seal around the sunroof on the inside?
I've seen that as well, and also seal the screws :) ... if it was thought necessary by Land Rover they would have done it I think. I know it's isn't but it's up 2u .
I went ahead and just put silicon on the sunroof assembly itself - Once in place I could see some sealant pushing through into the vehicle, hardly anything squeezed out on the outside of the vehicle, hope i've used enough.. time will tell. - I didn't add any more sealant to the inside as I studied the design of the sunroof assembly and it would appear (Although I could be wrong), that it's designed to divert any water that does get past the seal into the drip tray.

I did put a tad bit of silicon on the screws as I have seen water dripping out of the screws nearest the drain channel before, also seen a little bit of water damage on one of the screws so thought it wouldn't harm.

Hopefuly this will cure the darn leaking issue for a long time!

One slight issue i noticed whilst removing the headlining, the front section of the headlining - middle of the windscreen area, where there is a hole for the roof map/light consol- this has flexed and split, any ideas on how to repair/add some strength?
I have the exact same problems and thanks to this thread I can now ( after getting motor0 get it sorted hopefully I did consider getting them plated and welded up as Iv never realy bothered about sunroofs as they are alll just asking to leak IMO

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