
Active Member
Evening folks,

Now let me start by saying last summer I had the headlining out and both sunroofs removed and all reseated/sealed with tiger seal and they have been dry as a bone. However during recent heavy rain the dreaded drip has started but only through the winding handle and the headlining is dry as a bone.

I have also noticed recently that the winding handle does not stop in the recess when fully closed, it goes a quarter turn past the stop for the sunroof to sit tight(er) on the seal.

Now as the lining is all dry and I know my drain channels are unblocked and work fine I can only assume that water is getting past the rubber seal and then some how into the winding handle as this is a possible low spot.

I may be answering my own question but is it a case of renew the seal for a new genuine one and then somehow seal above the winding handle so the water has to go to the drains in the corner?

Advice please?
Seems from what u say the seal rubber is worn and not springing back to form a seal with the glass, therefore it is letting water pass, so replace the seal.
The two drains are fitted to remove water running onto the track if water is on the glass when it's tilted, that's why they are at the front only.
I had the same problem a few weeks ago.
I used black guttering sealant and ran it around the outside edge of the black trim on the outside of the sunroofs (on the roof)
If that makes sense?! Since I did it we have had some pretty heavy rain and I haven't seen it dripping, even left some kitchen roll in there to check and there was no evidence of water
Same issue here although it seems the drip never happens when it rains, only some point up to several days later. Will have to have a look at the fix from Discool. Will be interesting to see what breaks once I have fixed that.

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