With regard retrospective ungratefulness you are spouting tosh. I made an assumption which, on this occasion, has proven to be the correct one. Any replies, whether you deem the information useful or not, represent someone trying to assist.

I have my old '98 V8 sitting in a paddock, I bought it back from my insurers after an employee totalled it. I'm slowly selling the useful bits from it and as it has two manual sunrooves it may have been of use to you.

Like u major, i too have a v8 with twin manual sunroofs, which i am slowly breaking, it seems my initial response to this post clearly hit a nerve with frogfart.

@ frogfart i cant even be bothered to type a witty retort out for yu, id hate for yu to throw another temper tantrum. I started my post with Erm because 99% of the peeps on here normally at least tell half the story when asking for advice on parts, you however lacked any sort of structure to your post other than asking what to do cuz your glass dont fit. I at least expected a reply that explained the steps you had already taken maybe i could have looked on microcat for you, or even as major said perhaps furnish you with the glass and fittings out of my V8 seeing as my 300 doesnt have sunroofs and i have no need for them.

However your childish and tbh crap post has annoyed me.

I may just send you the sunroofs in a bag. Smashed up.

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