
Hi, does anyone know what the inside diameter of the sunroof drain holes are inside the black plastic collectors?

I've noticed that only one of the four exit holes in the sunroof frames can be easily cleaned with a pipe cleaner from inside the cab (I've pulled the headlining & tubes). The other three seem to be very restricted and literally only allow the wire core of the pipe cleaner to be forcibly pushed through... That has me wondering if the plastic collector 'boxes' are somehow not allowing the free flow of water through the drain as they should be.

My drain pipes are clear and water flows freely through them to the underside of the car. So they're not the issue.

I'm wondering if I should drill them to open them up more to assist in the free exit of the water from the collector to the tube?

Only if you in the habit of opening the glass with water laying on top of it, that's what they are there for, not to remove water due to a faulty seal.
For anyone wondering what the actual answer to this question is - it's about 8mm. The obstruction I was feeling were the ends of the sliders for the glass. So no issue there.
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Whenever this question/ issue comes up, it seems that the bleeding obvious is always overlooked; i.e., that the drains are at the front of the frame. It is therefore fairly obvious the the vehicle will need to be parked facing downhill for water to run away. Water doesn't flow uphill! I have never yet found anything "blocking" the drains. I have however, found that parked up facing uphill, the frame fills up with water and floods over the top of those plastic connectors as soon as you face downhill!
Two things need to be done:
1) remove the sunroof and seal under the roof to plastic frame as the self adhesive foam seal will have perished allowing water to ingress
2) replace the rubber seal as this will have worn allowing water ingress
Thanks for the pics & input. My D2 is parked level. I removed both sunroofs completely, cleaned them & the roof surface up and bonded them back in place with copious amounts of Sikaflex - I removed and refitted those cups too. I removed the frame inner seals, cleaned the gutters and refitted those.

Using a small funnel and a jug of water I tested each of the four drain pipes - they're clear and the water drains out from under the car.

I've also had the windscreen removed and rebonded professionally.

Today my drivers foot well carpet is damp underneath again...I check the headliner and frames for water ingress and they're dry. As I don't have A/C there's no potential drain leaking into my footwell either.

Is there anywhere else water could possibly be getting into the cabin?
Heater matrix leaking coolant?
The other place that fills with water is the gulley below the screen. Raise your bonnet and take a look (where the bonnet hinges are). I believe water can ingress from there too.
I'll check the drains on the scuttle panel - thanks!

Mmmm heater matrix...I wonder. That'll be leaking down the back of the dash at the start of the tunnel correct?
Does the headlining get wet too, or is it just in the footwells? If just the latter, try pulling back the carpet and spraying a jetwash or hose on the rear of the front wheelarch and under the floor, see if any water dribbles in - there may be a small hole around there and spray from the front tyre is finding it's way in. Don't know if there are any rubber bungs in that area that might have become dislodged.
There is a body joint behind the passenger compartment fusebox and it is not always sealed after welding.

To get at it you need to take the side windscreen trim off, without breaking it, and have a look down to the join.

I sealed mine with Sikaflex a while ago and it has been OK.

Roof bar foam seals need sealing in their own right, the foam is only partly compressed as the roof bars bolt down through the roof panel onto a subframe.

Does the headlining get wet too, or is it just in the footwells? If just the latter, try pulling back the carpet and spraying a jetwash or hose on the rear of the front wheelarch and under the floor, see if any water dribbles in - there may be a small hole around there and spray from the front tyre is finding it's way in. Don't know if there are any rubber bungs in that area that might have become dislodged.

The headliner is dry and so are the sunroof trays - and the damp is only in the drivers side footwell. If the weather actually got warm enough I'd pull the whole carpet out the car so I could try and trace this. I've topped up the coolant this morning so hopefully that may tell me if it's the matrix.

Door seal was a thought too - perhaps I should change the drivers door seal too.

Listerdiesel thanks for that insight - I'll break out the Sikaflex again on those areas.
Door seal was a thought too - perhaps I should change the drivers door seal too.
I had a damp carpet just near the hinge area on the front pasenger door. Did the usual joint seals and also check the door seals and how the door was hanging. I just cleaned mine with some rubber lub and slightly adjusted the door to make sure it seated properly. A JEC member recommended the product below in the club mag as being successful in lubricating sunroof rubbers and eliminating squeaks. Seems to work on door rubbers as well.

Also, while investigating a clunky window mechanism (a nylon roller had broken) I found the plastic water shield (part EJD101770) behind the door card had been removed. Not sure if this is a cause but we had been getting a lot of weather on that side of the car so I ordered a new one which has gone in along with a new windwer mechanism. Maybe worth checking?
My rear (boot) door leaked and I had a wet rear carpet, l cleaned my seal and rubbed some Vaseline into it so it was nice and supple again and then adjusted the door just a little bit and its been right ever since, but having said that, that was just my experience, it could be a number of things


Here's the body joint behind the fusebox in the passenger compartment:

Bottom of the windscreen top left, door trim on the right if I remember correctly.

I'm wondering if that is when I had the dash out to fix a heater hose leak?

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