Had roasted beef wi' yorkshire puddin's and chips... can't stand veggies and tatties is borin'! Me best roast is either venison, wild boar or Highland cow;):D
Pork :D with shed loads of cracklin about 3/4 of an hour before the rest is done to get the old mouth watering, stuffing, roast tatoes, carrots, parsnip, swede, greens, peas, sweetcorn, boiled carrots, cauliflower and brocili :eek:
oh and gravey ;)
The wife's a veggie (hense the rather larger selection of fart makers) but dam she does a mean roast pork :cool:
we had roast chicken this week but the best has to be Beef! Roasties, mash, peas, carrot's, roast parsnips.... and lashing's of horseradish!! yum yum.
and warm apple pie and a spot of vanilla ice cream.
all wash'd down with a pint of strongbow.

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