
New Member
Errrrrr I have a bit of a prob with my front sun roof letting in water. It's leaking in from around the top of the windscreen in the top corners. The mrs got a lap full of water this morning as funny as it was it kinda needs fixing lol any ideas. Cheers
I did mine about a month ago. I took out the headlining and sealed round the plastic box trays and cleared out the drain pipes. Confident I had done the best job possible I put the headlining back in and waited. Guess what, it ****ed in the next time it rained! So in despair I sealed shut the sunroof totally making the new weather seal that I had bought from Ebay pointless. The sunroof was for all intents and purposes just a glass window in the roof. I waited for the next rain, and guess what it still ****ed in just as bad! I made one last inspection of the roof before I hung myself from the garage rafters. I noticed that the tray of the sunroof moved up and down on the roof when pushed from outside. In a last gasp attempt I siliconed around the outside of the sunroof where it joined the body of the vehicle, and guess what it worked. So the moral of this story is to do this before you start ripping the inside of the car apart. It could save you a lot of time and frustration.

Oh and before some smart arse on here asks why I didn't test it first before putting the headlining back in the answer is, I did. For some reason holding a hose over it for 15 minutes did not show up the leaks, but a few days out in our wonderful weather made sure that it was properly tested.
Haha bet u were going ape **** over that lol. Well I just ran a strip of silicone round the outside edge so let's see how the early morning shower is tomorrow lol
Hi there Tom

I did exactly the same as you with both sun roofs, only what you may not realise is that it still might be leaking but you don't know, I took the bottom frame out, done both the plastic drains, took them out and resealed them, tested them and no leaks, until it rained, had another look and turns out it's the seal on the tray this time, so mast iced all around both sunroofs, I still get condensation in between the roof lining and roof, this is because you can not get every bit around the tray, so get a little drip every now and then, the only way to do the job properly ( which I'm going to do in the summer) is take off the trays again clean both surfaces and cover the the tray in mastic to make a proper seal, hope the helps
Sealed the second of my sunroofs up from the outside yesterday.. both now firmly siliconed shut for the rest of their lives!!
Have had no leaks since I attacked the plastic trim with clear silicone :) well driving home from the sh&t hole woops sorry from work a massive drip hit gear selector that came from in int light!!!! Where the hell could that have come from?
Have had no leaks since I attacked the plastic trim with clear silicone :) well driving home from the sh&t hole woops sorry from work a massive drip hit gear selector that came from in int light!!!! Where the hell could that have come from?

The sunroof. Job has to be done properly, ie, headlining dropped, sunroof out, ****ty LR seal removed, cleaned, and resealed with good quality sealant ( Sikaflex, Tiger Seal etc) not some crap silicon from a car boot sale for 50p a tube.
Yes, headlining out, tray off, glass off, frame out, clean up, sikaflex around tray, tray back in, tighten up, glass back in, sikaflex around glass, disconnect switches& motor plug. Job done forever, did both of mine a week ago, both seals e
Were dead and I don't use them anyway so sealed them up. Don't need to worry about those stupid drain fittings either.
And not to mention the screws. Mine was leakin through these as well. I put a blob of seal on before fitting screws with fibre washers on them.
Only two reasons for leaking sunroofs both are 'seals' sort them out and that's it, nothing else is required.
Only two reasons for leaking sunroofs both are 'seals' sort them out and that's it, nothing else is required.

Exactly, having stripped two, you can see where the design flaws are, the frame to roof seal was a joke and one of mine had a half inch gap between the ends!, mastic bead fixed it nicely.

Both glass seals were torn at the corners, at £30+ each and with the fact that i never opened them anyway, i sealed mine up and disconnected the switches.

Its a case of "Could have done better" for landrover i think.

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