no its a nut, but i don't really want to use the greordie screwdriver incase i distort the sump;)
yella disco said:
the sump nut on my 200tdi is too tight to undo, anyone know an easy fix?
Dont give it any heat yet, if you aint got a compressor and an air wrench find someone who has old chap. That should shock it loose.

Regards WP.
well i got me sump plug undone, i drove to the car spares shop and got me oil and filter then drove back and it was nice and hot. cracked the nut with an 18" breaker bar and jobs a good un.only thing is i found a foreign object in me sump when i poked my finger in to see if all the **** had come out, ended up taking the sump off to remove it.itslike a horseshoe shaped washer with 2 grooves in it and i don't know what it is or where its from, i will upload some pics later when i get some batteries for my digital camera;)
it sounds like a thrust washer; its job is to give the crankshaft the right amount of end float. might be looking at an engine rebuild if you want to do it properly .or you could try and stuff it back in where it came from.
well i'm off down the town now to get me ho a new washing up bowl as her old one is still full of old engine oil so i will get some batteries as well, pi to be uploaded later today ;)
ok, here are the pics of the metal thing in the sump(hopefully). the red arrows point to where the grooves measures 3 inches across the ends

thrust washer. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it looks like an engine out job. you might get away with dropping the sump but the best option is to take the engine out and do a proper you'll have to drop the crankshaft. you could try getting new ones and sliding them round the crank but i don't really think that will do the trick.

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