New Member
Today I was driving to work when all of a sudden I noticed an engine symbol with a '!' appeared and car would not accelerate off as normal. Light went off as I eased of accelerator and when pushed came back on. There is still a lack of power and car wont go above 55mph. I thought it might be the turbo pipe but not sure as when I came back from work power was almost back at normal level and I could go above 50mph then after 10 mins of driving suddenly back to a power loss. Feels very very sluggish.
Any help would be great?
Had RAC man out earlier and he couldnt diagnose it on RAC computer but he said dont think its the turbo as power came back again. He said could be something simple like valve. Exhaust smells charcol like, well thats how RAC man described it. Its giving of thin white smoke when reved.
sounds like the turbo modulator valve - there is plenty of info in the forum, try a search under power loss...........
If you've got a TD4, symptoms sound like a failing fuel pump. I had exactly the same problem with two different vehicles. Second time round, vehicle was under warranty. Dealers changed hoses, scratched heads and other things before finally agreeing to change the pump as was suggested in the first place. Problem solved!

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