MHM didnt slate you in that post and tbh you were threatening to get someone banned which provoked that remark.

your argument on the tyre thread was with many members but not daft and was probably one of the best/funniest threads on here for a while watching folk who dont understand the forum spitting their dummies out when they dont get the answer they want.

Wait a minute I was gettin threats from series71 about getting banned first.

S71 might be a grumpy **** and will tell you to **** off but in no way did he threaten to ban you.

If you read through previous threads you will find that this forum is like no other and a thick skin is required (to use fanatics sig its like taking a knife to a gun fight so be prepared) but is also the reason peeps come back.
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I think people need to just chill the fek down.
there is no need to start on someone just because you didnt like there comment, scotia, apologize for your orignal comment at the top of this thread, everyone else just take it as another day.

There is no need to be taking things from one thread to another, hex who started this post was looking for a little help not all this c'rap.

seniors, just ignore him, afterall one day he might be asking for your help and thats when you can say fek off.

Scotia, just move on, i'm not on this forum every second but from what i can see a comment every now and again out of there 15K posts to long term friends and members is no biggy, yet for someone thats on there way to doubleing there post count through 'shouting back' isnt helping. i accept your concerns with the elders, lets just leave it be and look forward to the next post we can help everyone out with, if a comment is called for, go for it, just think, what this gunna start, if its somthing the a polite comment like 'nar bollocks' or 'i woundnt do it that way' is enough.

now let me get back to sippin my ribena!
Please define Ballbag......then I can see if Daft and Buckshot classify as one
if you wanna call me names come around here and do it !
they have the right to, being friends and long term members you on the other hand dont ! :mad:


I bet you were bullied at school.!
If your gonna ask me to come round you might as well give me directions.
take a look at the landyzone map and let me know when you will be here ;):boink:

Hard **** with the keyboard. I'll make arrangements to get down and see you ya fukin **** head.

Who the **** do you think you are, prick.
I'll be offline now until your eatin your own fukin balls ya prick
Hard **** with the keyboard. I'll make arrangements to get down and see you ya fukin **** head.

Who the **** do you think you are, prick.
I'll be offline now until your eatin your own fukin balls ya prick

as i said let me know when ya get here
Hard **** with the keyboard. I'll make arrangements to get down and see you ya fukin **** head.

Who the **** do you think you are, prick.
I'll be offline now until your eatin your own fukin balls ya prick

fook me I thought he was getting in on the banter, Scotia calm down or have a shag / suck someone off whichever makes you happy but FFS :eek::eek:

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