
Active Member
Hi all, are there any kind souls wiltshire/Swindon way that are bored on a Sunday evening and wouldn't mind giving me a tow.

I'm stuck down a byway approx 5miles nw of Marlborough. It's a legal lane and I'm stuck in a waterhole that was deeper than looked. Approach is a slight rutted decline. Requesting someone withwa tow strap and/or winch.
Thanks in advance .

Can you give any more details? How far off tarmac are you and are track conditions on route tricky?
Weather conditions on scene?
How is the OP dressed ? Coat etc?
Other persons present?
I'm about 300m shy of the road ahead of me. Track conditions are slightly clayey ruts, but not churned up . Am able to get all 4 wheels spinning so lost traction. Tried jacking the wheels up to get a log under but no joy.

One passenger on scene, both got warm kit and blanket in the back. Engine running with 3/4 tank keeping cabin warm.
Clear skies but cold.

Got piccies but not enough signal to upload
Not wishing to cause an issue. But for the sake of the rescuers.

But it would be best to double check the lane in question is not under a seasonal TRO. There are a lot in the area around the Ridgeway that have been placed under one.

Didn't see any signage as i came down it. Seen plentp with TROs/ seasonalsTRO today but always turned around. What's a VRO MHM?
VRO is confirmed, in the circumstances a winch would be preferable to avoid the risk of churning it up

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