feckin hell... :eek: excitin.... :eek: Im hopin one day someone gets stuck near me and pikey then I can go on me first ever LZIR :eek:
Well as long as it turns out to be genuine and nothing sinister hopefully the guy will learn from it and not make the same mistake twice.
Please kick his arse if there are no OS maps in the car and use the opportunity to educate him as to the right way of doing things, there's enough out there with no idea giving us all a bad name as it is.....
Its a voluntary thing - if you dont want to go, yu aint obliged to.

What ever you do, please do not put yourself in any danger.
So from the photo posted and the location given(i just had a phono convo wif kipper) he is almost certainly off piste!

Before i go laying down the law i will wait for the report from the nuneaton/coventry massive. But if its where i think it is then there is a very big off piste problem already this is not helping! :(

Wait and see before i cast my dispersions. :rolleyes:
So from the photo posted and the location given(i just had a phono convo wif kipper) he is almost certainly off piste!

Before i go laying down the law i will wait for the report from the nuneaton/coventry massive. But if its where i think it is then there is a very big off piste problem already this is not helping! :(

Wait and see before i cast my dispersions. :rolleyes:

I hope it's not off piste
The peeps on site have the ultimate decision - they can leave it of they want.

We have to rely on their decisions.

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