
New Member
Hello all.

I am trying to put some lowered front shock turrets on the disco 1 and to do it I want to just remove the current turret by releasing it from the top of the shock and undoing the four nuts to the chassis. But can I budge the nut on top of the shocks.. can I bollocks! The problem is gripping the stud from the shock to stop the whole thing turning. I have tried the 8mm spanner which I assume is the right one but it just ends up slipping and mangling the stud. :mad:

Has anyone got any clever ways of doing this? I have tried copious amounts wd40 and penetration fluid and lots of swearing but now at a loss!

air gun battery gun is ideal or heat, nut splitter (nuts will be non std thread pitch),grinder if fitting new shock or remove bottom shocker nut and remove shocker with turret
Get someone to grip the body of the shocker with a huge set of stilson's Always works for me..
Get someone to grip the body of the shocker with a huge set of stilson's Always works for me..

Good idea but the top stud turns independantly from the bottom section of the shock and the top is in the turret. I think I need to split my nuts! :eek:

Will have to get some nut splitters, any idea where I can get them?

Thanks to both.
Lower the axle.
There's plenty of room for stillsons on the top part of the shock.

not in your picture there isnt

The top section of the shock extends down to the second coil of the spring (the gap between the top and bottom sections is hidden behind the coil). there's plenty of room for stillsons between the top 2 coils - done it many times.

Alternatively, get the bottom nut off and get the turret in a vice.

OK, it's at the bottom, but this one shows there's space for stillsons between the coils.

Ok but the stilsons on the damper tube won't stop the damper rod from turning when trying to undo the nut.
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hmmm. yes. I did wonder about lifting turrets and shocks out as one piece (and possible renewing shocks).

However, I have just invested in some nut splitters. :D
The top section of the shock extends down to the second coil of the spring (the gap between the top and bottom sections is hidden behind the coil). there's plenty of room for stillsons between the top 2 coils - done it many times.

Alternatively, get the bottom nut off and get the turret in a vice.

What's that tool you have there then? I could do with one of those!

Thanks for all your help. In the end I did a bit of both and split the nuts as best I could (the top washer won't allow you to get the nut splitter fully on) which loosened them and then gripped the shock top shroud with a filter wrench to brace against the socket wrench undoing the nut. After much mucking about it's all done. :)

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