i think he might have sunk without trace by now

there should be a national register of people willing and equiped to help in such situations, not AA/RAC types just a informal but organised "thing" if ya get me drift
There is sort of. it's called the 4x4 response network. It's consist of 4x4 owners who volunteer to help the NHS/Emergency services/Social Services, In the event of an Emergency. A lot of em were out during the recent flooding pulling cars out of puddles and ferrying Police etc around.

Most of the time they don't have anything to do and might welcome the chance to practise their recovery techniques. In return fer a few beer tokens.
oh yer i seem to remember seeing a picture in one of the mags of a few rum looking bods with rope wrapped round their A bars - do they have a website or is it just a bunch of married blokes who need an excuse to get out of the house from time to time
oh yer i seem to remember seeing a picture in one of the mags of a few rum looking bods with rope wrapped round their A bars - do they have a website or is it just a bunch of married blokes who need an excuse to get out of the house from time to time

They're split into regional areas I know there are groups in Wessex, Powys, Yorkshire/Humberside and North East England There are probably others that i don't know of. They're proper!! groups organised along similar lines to Moutain/Cave rescue groups.
yep that looks like em - wonder why after having been formed for 20 years they are only showing a very partial coverage of the country, seems like they could do with a bit more self promotion maybe

anyone else in staffordshire/shropshire interested ?
Tony Robinsons cyber relatives will find him perfectly preserved in farsands of years time, long after all the lanes are accessable only by teeny tiny robots.
Tony Robinsons cyber relatives will find him perfectly preserved in farsands of years time, long after all the lanes are accessable only by teeny tiny robots.

i've just been watching him on some obsquire sky channel, the espisode where they keep finding very very old items, none of which are age related and all of which they eventually figured out had been planted by the land owner

seeing as yer average disco is quite prone to rotting away i wonder what time team circa 2500 would dig up if they ever came across the site of this stuck disco - a 30 to 50 year old probably male skeleton clutching what lookis like a wire rope and a trifor perhaps ?
yep that looks like em - wonder why after having been formed for 20 years they are only showing a very partial coverage of the country, seems like they could do with a bit more self promotion maybe

anyone else in staffordshire/shropshire interested ?

I'm Shrops / Worcs, so I'll lend a hand if yer looking to set somat up?
Regarding the 4x4 response group, I'm signed up with the Powys group, that seems to be the nearest to me and they cover this area, if anyone is interested I can give more details, they held a good training weekend in Radnor forrest November last year.

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