Have been changing my brake pads today (defender 2.5TD) and have happily moved all the pistons bar one using a g-clamp. However one is stuck and has a rounded back on the calliper so cannot get the g-clamp to sit.

Any Ideas?

i had this on my Disco a couple of weeks ago, not sure if you have or not, but take the cap of the brake fluid reservoir, to release pressure, maybe release the bleed nipple as well?

i broke a chisiel trying to move it back, but couple of screwdrivers at all angles and keep pushing all of them, it moved after about half hour
As said, bleed nipple undone, but I use a pipe wrench and squeeze, or a plate with two bolts through it across the piston and caliper back and tighten to squash the piston in.
I also had this on my disco last week what I done was got someone to slowly press down on brake pedal to push out piston and keep working it back then press on brake again then work it back again it worked for me
Did my front brakes a few weeks back, the calipers were a mess.
I ended up changing them. The pistons were all a mess. I did not trust them any more.
I also had this on my disco last week what I done was got someone to slowly press down on brake pedal to push out piston and keep working it back then press on brake again then work it back again it worked for me

I did the same on mine but halfway through the wiper seal come away with the piston so I decided to replace both calipers
After having the brakes nearly go on fire, after putting in new pads, and forcing back the callipers pistons on my first disco I won't mess with brakes any more. If the pistons will clean up and free off to be pushed back into the calliper, fine. But any more than light rust on the pistons will wreck the seals. I bought a spare set of callipers, and refurbished them at the weekend, just fitted tonight and so much better, the old callipers had worn the pads uneven due to the stuck pistons.

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