No, she's well and truly rammed in. Will give candle trick a go tomorrow morning... and if that fails will give up and get a pro in ;(
I'm surprised the heating and cooling isn't loosening it. especially with that freeze spray you have. That must be causing a fair amount of differential in expansion/contraction. It must be due to you not being able to get a good enough grip on the broken bolt to get some turning force on it.
Do you have a smaller extractor you can try?
Next size down in my kit comes out the other side... I could go up I guess, but bit worried about the threads. Am starting to think it's that stubborn bit in the last 1/4 of the bolt that my 4.8mm LH and 5mm RH couldn't get through... maybe that's where the extractor is slipping?

I need wine!
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When heated are you getting it red hot and then trying to extract. You might have to drill and tap the hole if that does not work. I would go wider and if threads get a bit damaged, tap will clean them up. At worst you just go bigger thread on that hole. A tap on the end of the extractor with a hammer helps to get them to bite but they can be brittle, so be gentle.
Next size down in my kit comes out the other side... I could go up I guess, but bit worried about the threads. Am starting to think it's that stubborn bit in the last 1/4 of the bolt that my 4.8mm LH and 5mm RH couldn't get through... maybe that's where the extractor is slipping?

I need wine!
Wine is good.
Hi Gmacz - no, I've been heating the flange immediately around the front of the bolt, and on the side, whilst avoiding the bolt itself..... doing that for a minute or so.... then putting cooling solution end to end inside the bolt... then trying the extractor.
No, she's well and truly rammed in. Will give candle trick a go tomorrow morning... and if that fails will give up and get a pro in ;(

Am wondering if this bolt is super hard or something... it's resistant now to my drill bits, maybe that's why the extractor can't bite either.
I suspect your drill bits are getting worn.
I don't have any ATF around... is it similar to power steering fluid? Got some of that and the other half has some acetone nail polish remover.

I beleive similare tô ATF but i think ATF has an additive in it that cleans out gunk in auto boxes as in burnt on bits...
I beleive similare tô ATF but i think ATF has an additive in it that cleans out gunk in auto boxes as in burnt on bits...
Are you actually Portuguese or is your keyboard making you sound as though you are? :)
Get it as hot as possible, bolt and thread area and it will pop out with no problem.
Saga is over... second bolt is out. Feel a little guilty for admitting it, but after another few hours attacking it, I gave up and paid a guy to remove it for me... bolt was totally fused, he had to drill the whole thing out and rethread.
Least now I can get on with the assembly.
Hey don’t beat yourself up you tried:)

Which is a great way to learn. Probably learnt a lot on the way too.

Good luck for reassembly :)


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