
New Member
Hello Folks,
Just wanna pick your brains. I've got a defender TD5, it's brilliant, however it's just a bit lazy on starting, it turns over fine but cranks over more than I think it should before it starts. When it starts if puffs a bit of black smoke followed by a puff of white and then we're off like a bullet, I can turn it off,fire it up again on a button. I was thinking maybe a glow plug might not be doing its job. Also only after turning key orange management light flickers on and then not to be seen again once we're away.Any thoughts?
Yes I think you may be right about the glow plugs. Remove one and see what it looks like. You could try disconnecting the relay to the plugs and see if she starts the same, if so it would point to them. How many miles has she done?
td5 in this weather will start without glow plugs, if management light comes on, maybe a fault stored so have it plugged into a diagnostic fault reader
Thanks guys, she's done 123.000 on an x plate, it's mint, very clean. Orange management light just flickers as it's starting then goes out not to been seen again, only done it twice. I've got it booked in tomorrow so will see what happens. I can't weigh this up, if a TD5 doesn't need glow plugs, then why fit em. Anyway cheers chaps, I'll let you know.
Thanks guys, she's done 123.000 on an x plate, it's mint, very clean. Orange management light just flickers as it's starting then goes out not to been seen again, only done it twice. I've got it booked in tomorrow so will see what happens. I can't weigh this up, if a TD5 doesn't need glow plugs, then why fit em. Anyway cheers chaps, I'll let you know.

td5 in this weather will start without glow plugs, if management light comes on, maybe a fault stored so have it plugged into a diagnostic fault reader

Can't highlight it on me phone but "In THIS weather" ;)

I wouldn't mind betting no faults come up.

In which case it's most likely either loose connection at main relay or dodgy connection to/from immobiliser ;)
Well it's up at the doctors now. See what comes of it. To be fair started more or less straight away this morning.
We're now thinking engine wiring loom!! £300, anyone know if we can get cheaper.

Sounds more like "we have no clue. I know lets just fit noo bits" :mad:

Why the engine loom?
Why not the injector loom?
Has anyone actually looked at the condition of the cables and contact's for the speed transducer or crank position sensor?

Or the state of the ecu plugs and wiring to/from the immobiliser?

This what boils my **** about compooters in cars and knobs only lookin at what the compooters telling em rather than use their own eyes and grey matter :mad:

:5brant: :D :D :D
Yeah thanks for your input. The answer is yes we've looked at said above, and it has been suggested on another thread injector loom, there is oil in the engine wiring loom, have been advised to clean it out wi brake cleaner or similar. Cheers.
Your right, clutching a straws maybe, but I've been advised to replace the injector loom and clean wiring loom, so it's a cheaper fix if it does the trick.

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