
New Member
Hi,i'm new to the forum.i've been looking for a discovery for a while,the last one sounded good based on a phone call to the seller so i travelled 2 hours down cornwall to have a look,it was far from described,i was told it had no rust,but both rear arches were rotten and all the doors rotten too:(also the electrics were all shot central locking/windows didn't work.i see lots on the roads around cornwall but none for budget is £1500 but i should be able to find a half decent one near to me for that budget surely.if you know of one for sale in north cornwall a heads up would be much appreciated.atb KM
i will travel for the right vehicle......but after the last experience of a very misleading description,i'm reluctant to drive miles just to look at another rotbox and walk off annoyed at the seller.when i bought my old splitty i got it from Hull but this was after multiple pictures and long phone calls,also it was fairly well known too.
Don't get one in Cornwall if you can help it. They will be overpriced and they are prone to a spot of rust here and there anyway (you may have heard!) and a very short time in the aggressive sea air will have made anything more than 10 years old pretty much worthless.

Try and head at least east of Exeter, if not Bristol/midlands if you can - there will be far better bargains that way.

Us kernow folk have some major benefits living here but buying things made of metal isn't one of them!
Took me ages to find anything half decent mate. Made a 10 hour drive to look at one I was assured was mint as it was expensive for it's age - wrong! Lots of ****e about as you've noticed but you'll find one somewhere. Don't jump into anything.

Being a cornwall resident and long time disco sufferer I can tell you that any D! or 2 that has spent time in the duchy will be rotten,to a greater or lesser extent. I imagine that this is due to the salt content in the air coming from both sides of the peninsular.

Get you up brizzle way,or glos'shire....they'm cheap and plentiful up there.The only one I have bought in cornwall NOT rotten was a japanese reimport.Even one my old dad bought up country and had immediately undercleaned and treated by a (ahem!!) well known and (double ahem!!!) reputable firm in the midlands displayed rot 2 years after coming home.
thanks,i'm used to cars turning to rust i live by the sea,looked at 4 now all have been described as very good condition,but turned out to be rotten as a pear,i'm hopefully off to view one in plymouth tomorrow so i'll see what happens......
There used to be a bloke from camborne way who was on e bay as "captain oversteer" ,I think, he dealt in used discos but buyer beware obviously....carpets up and all that
i've not been able to track him down...just got back from viewing another dog of a discovery :( with no movement in price i'm sure it'll sell tho,found a few more but i'm unable to contact the sellers.the search continues.......
Seem to remember going past the Capt.'s place on the way to john orchards scrap yard....that'd put him Scorrier - St Day sort of area,you could see a load of discos from the road.

Even so, I once bought a set of leather seats off him on e bay and when I asked for them he said they were in the car he was driving and I had to wait ! I waited....and waited....never heard back from him - he never took the money though,so not a crook,just a lunch-out

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