
New Member
Hello guys, I am off to Ceredigion in mid May to do two days of Welsh laning. I am hoping to do Strata and Happy Valley but as a first timer to that area I want to make sure I get the most out of my time as I will be driving from the South East, it's also my 40th birthday so I want to make it a memorable one. I have tried to do lots of research and am obviously concerned about doing it right and making sure I don't p'##s anyone off.

Has anyone got any tips? or any suggestions on routes?

I have OS maps 124, 125, 135, 136, 146 & 147.

Having read through the many threads I am aware that people like to keep routes etc to them selves to stop the less considerate laners ruining it for everyone but rest assured I am not one of those. I am very mindful of the damage that can be caused going off route and the long term affects that can have for everyone.

I will be based at the Black Lion Hotel near Strata Abbey.

All advice and pointers are very welcome.

Jim Casey

like you said, some of us like to keep lanes and routes to ourselves. Its is very sad that this happens but as you stated its because we want to protect the lanes. :( Unfortunately, the good people sometimes lose out because of this.

If your staying at strata abbey and you have the relevant OS maps you will be able to find strata florida im sure. Just us the maps to find byways etc and then get in touch with the relevant council ROW department, let them know which lanes you want to drive and they will let you know if there is any TRO's or VR in place.

I hope your not going alone as both of these lanes are pretty off the beaten track and both can be dangerous.

Happy valley has a very tricky narrow section with a steep drop some 20 metres to the bottom! :eek:

Good luck.
Cheers, I have just read your thread about finding lanes, great bit for info there thank you. There are 3 defenders going so plenty of pulling power should we need it. I have heard great things and seen lots of footage on youtube so really looking forward to it. I have spent all day fitting my raised air intake and breathers!!

Thanks again, it's appreciated.
Strata & Happy Valley - 2 fantastic lanes. You'll have a top day out. :)

Strata bomb hole:

Strata river crossing:
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