
New Member
Hello everyone, was wanting to do strata at the weekend, is it still open? also is there any other good lanes in the area and places to camp? I would be really grateful for any help Cheers :)
Hello everyone, was wanting to do strata at the weekend, is it still open? also is there any other good lanes in the area and places to camp? I would be really grateful for any help Cheers :)
yep its open, was up there sunday.
There was a fair bit of water up there sunday but the river wasn't that deep. But if the rain keeps up that'll change.
the one way out in west wales :)

150, also worth a look is soar y mynydd and the lane to the NW of rhyader. which direction are you heading to/from?

also, please please please stick to the byway on strata. vehicles have been spotted leaving the byway and following the river, evidence is clear of this so please refrain from doing so. I fear my fav lane will be closed down in less than 12months if this keeps happening :(


Thanks for the heads up, always try to stick to the byways, some get so fragmented its hard to tell which way you should actually go. Many of the lanes near me getting miss used but i think its a case of over use because theres getting fewer lanes to use.
Strata Florida has a TRO on it...

There is a road closed sign just beyond the farmhouse at the bottom!

It is such a good lane, please respect the TRO to help keep it open!
BB do you know the dates?


Mmm... Sorry I dont want to mislead.

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I didnt see a white TRO order anywhere[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]There was a large square red metal 'Road Closed' sign on it's own stand. Which was past the last stream crossing that comes down off the side of the hill, but before the farm house at the bottom.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]We approached it from the Abbey end so didnt see it till we'd gone the whole distance. There was nothing at the start of the trail, which I consider to be the single track that follows up to the side of the foresty track.[/FONT]
Stanage edge has a road closed sign on it. But it's not officially closed. But people are been advised not to drive it because of the huge hole at one end. If there's been some recent roadworks there then the sign may just have been left behind.

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