
Active Member
Just wondering if anybody has been near Strata this week?

Was hoping to do a trip there this weekend but with this rain Im a bit unsure if its safe to pass.

We are in well sorted Defenders but still dont fancy getting swept down a river!
I'm off down there in a fortnight if it's like this I'll be avoiding it like the plague.

Driven it a few times now, and it's been a bit dicey with less rain than this, again well sorted vehicles. It's not about depth though it's about the force of the river.

The ground will be waterlogged as hell so any rain will be flowing straight off and into the steams and rivers.
Psulli was out there last weekend - they crossed the rivers ok looking at his photos but it's rained more since then so you'd have to judge it yourself
We did Strata at the weekend. All of the rest of Wales was flooded, but the Strata river crossing were low enough for our group to do. We had a brand new defender without a snorkel and a toyota (also without a snorkel)

The puddles on the lane were deeper than the river crossings so watch out for them.
Ok thanks for the replys. Im going to be doing a few surrounding lanes aswel so will just make a judgement when I arrive.

Although SNOW is now forecast for Saturday and Sunday!!

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