
New Member
Hello everyone,

I've developed an unusual problem on my '96 300Tdi Discovery. When I turn my steering at low speeds (eg. driving through car parks) the steering wheel feels as if is slipping. It goes: stiff then easy, stiff then easy while turning the steering wheel.
When I arrived home, I bleed the steering box by keeping the wheels straight while the engine was running and topped it up with fluid after. Still no different.
There is no free play in the steering.
The power steering pump was replaced about 3000 miles ago.
Sorry for a poor explanation of my problem as its difficult to describe.

I wonder if anyone out there had such a problem?
I use the Disco on daily basis and am afraid of it breaking down on me.
The tension on the belt seems to be fine. I checked that also.
Could it be a faulty steering box?
to bleed box you need to steer from locl to lock ,but bleeding isnt necessary as it has return pipe to res and fluid circulates at all times,either pump is poor or box ,id go with box assistance comes from input shaft in box
I can try it at low speed with higher revs, good idea. Was also thinking about getting the front up on axle stands and testing the steering for any unusual resistance by turning it from one lock to the other with the engine off.
good thinking,most people just say thanks ,good to see someone willing to interact with thinking about problem
I'm non the wiser about my problem. Lifted the front end off the ground, disconnected the track rod ends from both wheels, the one from under the steering box. Steering wheel with steering box turns freely, so do the wheels (swivel bearings OK). Thought it might have been the steering damper, checked it, and its fine :confused:
Still think its probably the steering box or PAS pump. Is there any way of testing these?
Check the steering column UJs. I have kist fitted a new lower column to mine due to play in the UJs. Once removed I noticed they had bound up very badly at some angles, leading to irregular stiff steering.

New column and it's steers like a new car now, chuffed.
Just wanted to report that I solved my problem. It worked out to be the UJs on the steering shaft :) as Mr Noisy had suggested. Squirted some WD40 on them, took it for a test drive... everything perfect!
It worked out to be the cheapest possible fix :D
Well, interestingly enough... I had a recon box. Same problem, but when I installed it, I managed to damage my UJ in the steering shaft. don't ask me how, but I took a long metal rod to it to try and get it off a seized joint. I replaced the box with the recon one and I had the same problem as you described. In a fortunate turn of events, the box turned out to be faulty with the internals locking up. I sent it back and got a new one along with a new steering shaft and UJ. Fitted them and now there is no problems at all. Like new.. So, I can't say for certain where the issue was, whether it was a bent steering shaft rubbing or a knackered UJ or the box.. But it was somewhere in there.. Perhaps try disconnecting the UJ from the box and turn the wheel freely and see if you notice it there? I not, then maybe it is the box? The other thought is there could be an air lock somewhere. Unlikely, but possible I suppose..

MudRat (just a few thoughts to throw in!)

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