" and what about that jeep thing at the wedding" "big jimmy still laughs behind ma back about it" ave never been so afronted in ma life.
if you really cared about me you would have got that lovely white limo that I wanted.....
He's got a point.

Go and find one you like the look of in a supermarket car park, then wait until the owner arrives.
LOL Discomania!! :D:D

I suppose I could go and just ask someone... a bit shy though! :eek:
I am sure with the couple of links you gave me I can get something sorted out!
I would REALLY like an orange one but I don't even know if there is such a thing!
Hey Orange... that's soooo cool !!! Yes I know there's some down to earth girlies, I'm one too!!;)

Yeah you can get Orange Landys, and if you can't get that, go for a fire engine instead!!!:D

Good luck with everything and post a piccie for us!!
DM, how about you paint it orange anyway and let me use it?!! ;)

hehe... a fire engine would just be funny!! Thanks Pagan... will do :)
sounds like someone from monty pythons...sensible man..be right there along side bicycle repair man
You are scarily right there Yella... he drives a grey mondeo which I call 'Sensible Stu' ... need I say more!!
Ah well... can't be right all the time!! He is a computer geek for a living though but definitely no pinstripe suit!! PML!!!

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