
Active Member
ok guys im away all weekend so wont get chance to check this until im back but here it is and i'll see what you guys have to say soon.

i have dripping from the front diff and from the transfer box. both smell and feel like EP90.
i've tried to clean it off and see where it comes from and failed but here comes the interesting part.

opened up the diff filler, its full!
so opened the transfer box filler, again its full!
figured i would check the gearbox the same time, full also.

i have no clue what else to check for at the transfer/gearbox area but for the diff i figured its gotta be from the engine if its not the diff. well engine oil all good, power steering fluid little low but not enough to make a mess, brake fluid all nice and topped up (noticed it needs a change though seen thicker water lol) then last but not least coolant bottle now this was low however it seems to randomly dump its done it every 3 or 4 weeks since i've had it some weeks i drive 1000's of miles others only 10's and it can go on either just randomly its gone.

scratch your heads guys and give me suggestions if you want any more info or pics let me know and i'll see what i can do haha

love the disco love the jobs im learning but damn i hate the chase of finding things
Yep, the diffs and swivel pin housings are EP90, as is the transfer box.
Finding a leak by looking at the level going down isn't going to help, an oil drip is a bit like blood, a small drop can spread and spread then spread some more until you start to think that there can't be any more left in there.
If the levels aren't dropping, it's not leaking, it's just marking its territory and anyway, Landies leak, it's the law!
If you're really worried about it, you're going to get out and get under with some Gunk, a brush and plenty of rags; EP90 mixed with a bit of road dirt is a bit thick to just wipe off. In a worst case scenario you're going to need to steam clean the underneath then watch for where the oil is coming from.
As for the coolant bottle, in the first instance I'd advise replacing the coolant tank cap.
Brake fluid should be replaced often.

As for the leak, yeah, one cc as a drip can spread an awful long way under the vehicle with a 60mph breeze to help it along. Swivels I prefer the oneshot grease, and any leak there would likely leave obvious marks on rims/tyres.
@Seffy I was quoting from the Disco 1 RAVE. I have a 2004 Disco 2 which has CV joints instead of the swivel pin housings.
thanks for the reply's guys, i'll look into a new coolant tank cap asap. as for the leak or leaks. i know a little go's a long way but i have been watching a drip coming from the front diff and the inspection plate on the transfer box for about a month and half maybe a little longer. there is some quite nice patches on the road outside the house and it drips leaving its mark anywhere i park for longer than about 10 mins. just seems WAY too much not to have dropped the levels. it does smell like EP90 and has a red ish sheen to it but as i said the levels dont seem to be dropping. as for the swivels i figured they were grease not EP90 and being the newby in the world of land rover's i have no idea what im looking for to know if there good or not. what i could do with is a good place that wont cost me my soul to get the thing checked over so i know what it does needs NOW and what its looking like it will need soon. if any of you know of "a guy" within about 50 miles of aberdare i'll be interested in knowing who it is to try get it all checked over

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