
Hello. Maybe someone has some idea asto what this is I found under my dashboard today while fitting a switch for my winch remote. I have had a discovery before but not an edc model and it definitely didnt have this under tha dashboard
Any help would be apreciated. Don't really want to take the dash out to find where it all ends up if its normal. Although it has home crimped terminals all over so I doubt it is standard
The 2bullet connectors on the left go from a pink and a green wire high under the dash poss going to the heater control panel. One To the thermo thingy (technical description of the hanging switch) and the other to the white relay. Other than that the wires disappear behind the heater
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Could it be a variable timer for a Webasto heater?
Didnt think of that but Heater appears to be standard. Don't think its a timer. Appears to be a thermo sensor of the like used for kenlow fan, capillary goes into the heater water pipes.
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The part hanging down with the yellow & green wires is a thermostat, exactly like the type you get in your standard household fridge. The capillary tube is the other part that comes off if, a bit like a stretched out wire coat hangar, that's the part that senses the temperature. So it's some kind of temperature control set-up, maybe installed to override a faulty control in the air con or something ?
Thank you, That's a possibility. Aircon all works as it should from dash controls tho.
not sure why the aircon would need to know engine water temperature apart from the fans which are still wired into their normal position.
Just to add the wires that i can see have been spliced into the loom..nothing chopped away or bypassed completely. ...very strange
It could be a high temperature override system that switches the aircon fans on to aid cooling of the radiator as the previous owner might have had engine overheating problems. The only issue is that the aircon is already wired for this situation , but perhaps the previous owner did not know that.
If there is a Thermistor / temp sensor going somewhere the best option is to find it . Can you find anything not working in heating or cooling of the engine or passenger compartment
Thanks johnathan. So I should probably get investigating brhind the dashboard.chore.
.Everything on the dash works as it should as do the aircon fans. Has never got hot even while towing
and had never turned fans on without the aircon switched on either...Hmmmmm
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Dashboard now removed.. didn't take as long as I remembered. ..lol...
you are correct someone has wired this strange contraption into the aircon.. it comes directly from the aircon switch to the relay through the thermo thingy. ..as it all works I think the best plan is to leave it as is....
Thank you all for the help

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