
Active Member
So I was doing some jobs in my 2004 td5 today and I noticed a patch on the floor.
Crawled u serenata and can see something very slowly dripping off the chassis, nothing wet anywhere nearby and can’t place what the substance is, definitely a clear oil of some kind but not diesel or brake fluid, it’s has almost no detectable smell or taste but is very slightly oily. any idea what else it could be?
No I thought that and checked plus the fluid is very clear. I thought brake fluid but again the level is good, doesn’t get any worse when I run the engine either, plus it doesn’t feel as oily as brake fluid
It’s coming from the chassis by the ace block but not coming from it. Would of thought the air con condenser would be nearer the front
It’s coming from the chassis by the ace block but not coming from it. Would of thought the air con condenser would be nearer the front
Right either not obvious from the pic or i didn't look closely enough. Can you somehow anchor a plastic cup or summat under the offending place, like between a couple of bricks or summat, to catch some, then put up a pic or two?
If it is near the ACE then maybe it is ACE fluid. You say the level isn't dropping but if you are only losing a tiny amount...?
Have you tried cleaning all the ACE unit, running it then putting a bit of white kitchen towel on each connection to see if there is a weep?
Already got a tub underneath so will see what that catches, the ace unit is completely dry, all the connectors and any metal between it and the wet area, plus the ace liquid is red a I believe, this is clearly transparent and thin almost like diesel but it’s not.
Drain hole from sunroof that comes out of the chassis?. But I've not looked at the picture too much. It could water getting contaminated and because you have parked at a angle or jacked it up its now coming out.
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I've given up with leaks I've sealed all the roof and water still got in.
It was dry inside until I moved it on the flat because I was testing the drain hole,s. I washed the thing and it came in through the blower unit.
So I bought a cover for it. I'd put a picture up but all my pictures are to big and I don't know how to make them smaller.
I've given up with leaks I've sealed all the roof and water still got in.
It was dry inside until I moved it on the flat because I was testing the drain hole,s. I washed the thing and it came in through the blower unit.
So I bought a cover for it. I'd put a picture up but all my pictures are to big and I don't know how to make them smaller.
iPhotoPlus is incredibly easy to use, I use it for exactly what you need to do. and i am absolutely no geek!
Almost no smell or taste, but slightly oily.
Could it possibly be a rustproofer?
Is it flammable?;););)
Oh, thought you were downloading it onto a laptop, or similar.
Mine is on an oldish Samsung notebook fing.
If I was any good with pooters I'd send you a copy of mine, to the email address of your choice.
Its about a 27 MB file.
But I cannot guarantee it'll work. It'll be an older version than what is out there now.

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