
Hi, Just got back from a day at the rents, and stange EAS fault, the rear near side bag fils to max when put on extended ride hight, on normal it is higher than the other three and on motorway hight it seems both near side bags are higher than the offside. Offside seem to be at the proper height. For information, I jet washed and polished the damn thing while at my parents. and I don't have rovercom or any other bits of software for EAS faults (nor leads).

Anyone come across this before, any ideas of the cause and the way to go about solving the problem.

Cheers :(
p.s. If i need to replace RHS how or where do i get the sensors reclibrated? How much would be reasonsable to pay? Is it poss to DIY if so where do i get the software/cables?
Can Anybody help???? or are we all clueless on this one........I really don't want to have to go to the main stealer
Can Anybody help???? or are we all clueless on this one........I really don't want to have to go to the main stealer

hi,you could try by taking of the negative battery lead and leaving of for half an hour,then connect it back on and try the eas again,its worth a try as it might reset it for you.
No luck on the Neg lead removal....anyone know how to reset the windows...i'm starting to think this forum is being run by the main dealers!
press and hold the button to lower the front drivers window all the way down, then press and hold the button to raise the front drivers window all the way up, the dash will then say r/h front window set, continue this sequence for all four windows and the sunroof
ok, what year is it? is it a p38? if so can you start the car? if it says engine disabled you will need to ring the dealer. if its a classic range rover then i havnt a clue!
If this fault has arrived after pressure washing the car, my first port of call would be to unplug the sensor connectors, dry them out, grease them up (or WD40) and reconnect.

If you pressure washed under the bonnet, do the same on the connectors on the valve block area.

Is there any obvious physical damage to the sensors, especially are the rubber gaiters damaged that has then let water get in and shorted the pot?

Hope this is of some help.

Best wishes
Andy the engine code and a Main Stealer quote of £94 for the EAS diagnostics and recalibration, if it should need a new ride height sensor the cost will be £270!!!!!:eek::eek:

I have to have it sorted for friday unfortunately as the car is required to tow Horsebox up and down then accross the Fiesta really isn't up to the Job......if there is anyone who knows anyone in the Middlesbrough/Stockton area that is able to sort this out please let me know!
ok, got medieval with the WD40 and the R/N/S Ride height flashing EAS Fault and break dancing.....drives level though which is an improvement....all lights are lit on the level indicator too....Recalibration required I'm assuming or could it still be a faulty sensor?
If the car is currently straight and level I'd suggest pulling the relay under the passengers seat (you need to take the trim off to get to it) asap.
Otherwise you are heading towards the eas letting the car down on the bump stops.
Once you have the towing of the horsebox out the way you can then worry about fixing it.

Mine did this a number of times a year or so ago. It was a level sensor playing up, and a sticky solenoid in the valve sensor block. I didn't replace either, just cleaned and wd'd all the connections.
I did need a dealer to reset the fault codes though to make all the lights go out and clear the fault on the dash.

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