
New Member
My 1987 4.6HSE range rover has a very strange fault with the EAS. The height select switch has all four led's lit and the EAS fault light on the dash is on however the EAS is functioning normally.

This used to happen intermittantly and then just return to normal by its self but now it has been like this for a few weeks.

The ride heights can still be selected and the lock switch works fine. I am pretty sure the ride height is adjusting automatically on the road and everything seems ok.

I connected a laptop and used EAS unlock software to read the error codes and the only code found was the "7 - Vehicle has Moved" code. I clered the codes and reset everything but the lights are still on!
Does anyone have any idea what is going on?
What a complete waste of time this forum is! The only reply I get is stating totally obvious!
Thanks for all the help!
What a complete waste of time this forum is! The only reply I get is stating totally obvious!
Thanks for all the help!

Well if it's so fooking obvious why did you ask a question in the first place. Get it sorted smart arse.
What a complete waste of time this forum is! The only reply I get is stating totally obvious!
Thanks for all the help!

Seems you think we are fecking magicians, how do you diagnose a fault with no information and no vehicle to look at?
You'll get no help by being arsey and as this forum is a waste of time I sugest you **** off and find one with the magician you require.
Seems you think we are fecking magicians, how do you diagnose a fault with no information and no vehicle to look at?
You'll get no help by being arsey and as this forum is a waste of time I sugest you **** off and find one with the magician you require.

100% correct Keith. Did they make 4.6 HSE Range Rovers in 1987?
What a complete waste of time this forum is! The only reply I get is stating totally obvious!
Thanks for all the help!

You have been responded to by two of the most helpful people on this forum. Enter into a polite dialogue with them (and others) and you will get help. Slag them off and you won't. :(
After such a damn rude, ignorant 2nd post I doubt you'll get any real help now at all. I offer just one piece of advice; take your time, do search on here to find same or similar previous threads, then

Fuk-Off from whence you came!!! :mad:
What a complete waste of time this forum is! The only reply I get is stating totally obvious!
Thanks for all the help!

May I help?

The only reply you got was stating the totally obvious.

You're very, very welcome.
Hi Vitesse

Nothing like being made welcome is there ?

Did you mean 1997 HSE P38 Range Rover?

If so as you know all the lights come on whilst the system is checked when the car is started, if it then is all ok the light will go out except for the level the system has reached.

It could be sticky valve in the block also check for partially blocked air intake filter on the pump.

The valves are expensive but I have one you could try if yours is confirmed as being responsible.

Does the car reach the correct height fairly quickly after the engine is started ?

Try up - down to see if she is raising and lowering responsively and not lifting any corners after the others

If you are using the RSW software make sure you have the latest downloads to ensure you have the latest updates.

The RSW software and lead is unable to read and reset all the faults that can occur with the EAS but handles the most popular ones.

Even if you reset it with the RSW kit you will find when you test it again it may or may not show faults.

Sadly this means a trip to a dealer with a textbook machine.

I see you are from my home county and not too far away from Berkshire so hopefully you are not too far away from Newbury 4x4 if you do not have a good one near you.

They are good mechanics with loads of knowledge and will not rip you off.

Something else to know to avoid futre problems just in case you dont know

The height sensors are locked so that the car will not lower if you open a door or the boot or put your foot on the brake and hold it there.

I hope this helps
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Hi Vitesse

Nothing like being made welcome is there ?

Did you mean 1997 HSE P38 Range Rover?

If so as you know all the lights come on whilst the system is checked when the car is started, if it then is all ok the light will go out except for the level the system has reached.

It could be sticky valve in the block also check for partially blocked air intake filter on the pump.

The valves are expensive but I have one you could try if yours is confirmed as being responsible.

Does the car reach the correct height fairly quickly after the engine is started ?

Try up - down to see if she is raising and lowering responsively and not lifting any corners after the others

If you are using the RSW software make sure you have the latest downloads to ensure you have the latest updates.

The RSW software and lead is unable to read and reset all the faults that can occur with the EAS but handles the most popular ones.

Even if you reset it with the RSW kit you will find when you test it again it may or may not show faults.

Sadly this means a trip to a dealer with a textbook machine.

I see you are from my home county and not too far away from Berkshire so hopefully you are not too far away from Newbury 4x4 if you do not have a good one near you.

They are good mechanics with loads of knowledge and will not rip you off.

Something else to know to avoid futre problems just in case you dont know

The height sensors are locked so that the car will not lower if you open a door or the boot or put your foot on the brake and hold it there.

I hope this helps

Since when does the RSW software not read and re-set all the faults, I have never found one that it wil not deal with? Or do you mean that some faults do not produce a fault code?
The height sensors are not "locked" when a door is opened or the brake is appilied, the suspension is frozen which is a function of the EAS ECU. The height sensors are merely variable resistors and have no other function.
Oh Datatek

Yes you are correct the sensors are not locked but the height is by the EAS ECU as you stated but I tried to use the simple language to be helpful.

It did after all mean the same thing.

The height of the car is locked when when the door is open, or the boot etc. as you well know.

That you can not deny.

Secondly I have had the RSW system for some years and had long conversations with the developer and still it would not read all faults correctly under certain conditions.
Some faults would appear on one test then not when retested and if the fault was read it would not always remove it.

Whichever way you want to look at it the faults could only be read a nd reset properly by the dealer.

The RSW kit is very good and he has taken a lot time to perfect it so I am not giving him any criticism just stating the actual facts as they were when I had EAS problems after tyres being changed.

Only the dealer was able to find the fault.... damaged sensors .... and after the repair was made the RSW software then worked fine.

Thats all I can say
None of the foregoing is the cause of the lights staying on and the suspension working fine in my view. Nothing in the valve block can stick and cause that. It is more than likely a fault or faulty connection to the EAS ECU. Which is keeping the bulb check from disengaging. Strip and clean and see what happens. Happy days.
What a complete waste of time this forum is! The only reply I get is stating totally obvious!
Thanks for all the help!

you cheeky come onto this forum,asking a question and get all arsey because you dont get an answer immediately.why dont you go the main agents and see if they can help you.:mad:
What a complete waste of time this forum is! The only reply I get is stating totally obvious!
Thanks for all the help!

Well pal, The real men on here can read people like a book. And if the title say it's a asshole then its a asshole. Simlpe the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, if your a asshole then your a asshole:mooning::mooning::mooning::hysterically_laughi Later sweet heart:D:D:D:D:D
Well pal, The real men on here can read people like a book. And if the title say it's a asshole then its a asshole. Simlpe the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, if your a asshole then your a asshole:mooning::mooning::mooning::hysterically_laughi Later sweet heart:D:D:D:D:D

If your going to move over here spell it right. It's arsehole. The other is something to do with a donkeys bottom. Or fanny as you call it.:):):)
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