
Active Member
When i open the door first thing there is a clicking like a motor with worn cogs coming from the centre console inside the car. i can also hear the fan slightly . It clicks about 4 tims then stops, Car heater is fine. Its already had the fan resistor changed (back in 2007 at the stealers) . Is it playing up again or do we have blend motors in the L322 (2003) that are need replacing. Hmmmmm Does the fan stop when the car is switched off and your still in it ? I ask because i can still hear the fan running when i pull the key.
Not sure of the setup on the L322, but on the p38 theres a small fan near the clock that gives the cabin temp, this can get dusty and squeeky. The boss has the same setup in her x type and that stayes on when you pull the key. They recomend a blast with WD40. Hope this helps
Dont use WD40....use a blast from an Air Can to blow the dust off....WD40 will just attract dust and gum up!
Are you talking about the fan or the clicking
The clicking noise is bugging me as the fan isn't noisy
There is a YouTube clip that is the exact noise of clicking but didn't bother to post Solving it
Are you talking about the fan or the clicking
The clicking noise is bugging me as the fan isn't noisy
There is a YouTube clip that is the exact noise of clicking but didn't bother to post Solving it
Whats the linky for the youtube clip?
Yeah right, your still the first owner ain't ya, ......Valet, jealous I'm not:cool:
At least the local strays keep my wheels,,,,er... moist:(
For those that may come across it this is the exact noise and video of it.

Look like pulling the blend motor and seeing whats not moving and grease the little b up
Change the blend motor shown in the vid above. Mine looked fine but a replacement did the job The replacement was second hand
This is part number JGC 000081. Now discontinued but available on eBay. I got mine from Germany for 20 Euros. Easy to replace just unclip and remove the wire plug, 10 minutes at most, hope this helps.

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