
New Member
Hi all, right my D2 has no ACE warning lights on but when moving the rear ACE (ram) is operating in such a way it's rocking the car from side to side just like someone is stud rocking the car. It only seems to do it when going in a straight line and slowly goes away. All the oil level is fine and no leaks .
I've never had any problems with the ACE on this car till this and it's a bit embarising going along rocking from side to side.

Any one help on this?
Did you work on the pipes or intefered in the system latey? ... or it just begun suddeny without any reason?
I believe that when you bleed the system using nanocom or similar it does this sort of thing. Perhaps the ECU is playing up? This from the nanocom manual:


These functions allow to bleed the oil circuit in order to remove the air from the pipes. During this
procedure the car may jerk violently from side to side, so we recommend to keep the doors closed and to
have enough clear space on both sides of the car.

Bleeding procedure:

1. The vehicle have to be parked on a 4 post ramp with the handbrake on and in park or neutral.
2. Verify that the oil reservoir is to the maximum level and that the pump is active and it
generate fluid’s turbulence on the reservoir.
3. Turn off the engine, raise the car at working height and perform OIL BLEEDING STEP 1.
4. Disconnect both stabiliser links on the front axle only. Do not disconnect the stabiliser links
on the rear axles. Free the nut that holds the silent block at the end of the roll bar.
5. Push the stabiliser link on the torsion bar side end up and pull the stabiliser link on the
actuator side down simultaneously to bring the actuator to its maximum extension; make
sure that no pipes or hoses become stretched.
6. For a better safety, lower the vehicle to ground height.
7. Stop the STEP 1 function if it is not yet terminated. Turn on the engine and perform the OIL
BLEEDING STEP 2 (it will takes about 10 minutes) and keep the reservoir topped if the oil
decrease its level. Once the function is terminated turn off the engine
8. perform OIL BLEEDING STEP 1 and raise the car at working height and reconnect the links of
the front axels. Stop the STEP 1 function if it is not yet terminated.
9. Disconnect both stabiliser links on the rear axle only. Free the nut that holds the silent block
at the end of the roll bar.
10. For a better safety, lower the vehicle to ground height.
11. Turn on the engine and perform the OIL BLEEDING STEP 2 (it will takes about 10 minutes) and
keep the reservoir topped if the oil decrease its level. Once the function is terminated turn
off the engine
12. Raise the car at working height and reconnect the links of the front axels. perform OIL
BLEEDING STEP 3 for a few seconds
13. Lower the car and check the level of the oil again.

It sounds quite dangerous to me......
ive not touched the oil so cant see it anything to do with that. the light does run through its test and then go out. but its stated coming back on now yellow and after a few miles and when the engine is warm if i swich off and re start it goes off. but not untill its warm.
My thinking is that the filter is blocked and with the oil being thick when cold its having problems pumping the could oil.
i priced a ACE filter and the £45+!
if the light comes on while driving there must be fault codes stored in the ECU...the best is to read them before u spend money...it could be the pressure transducer too.
Hi DiscoPaul,my Disco has just done the same,violent rocking from side to side,how did you fix your problem.
A friend had exactly the same problem, it was a faulty accelerometer, there are two in the car one somewhere up in the roof binnacle and the other is under the dash somewhere although I could be wrong on the placement lol. anyway he replaced them and it cured the problem.
A friend had exactly the same problem, it was a faulty accelerometer, there are two in the car one somewhere up in the roof binnacle and the other is under the dash somewhere although I could be wrong on the placement lol. anyway he replaced them and it cured the problem.

Thanks will check them:fighting2:

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