Yes, the alternator is to the left (Edit: to the left as you look to the engine from the front) but not quite so down. At least its longitudinal axle is not lower than the tensioner.
Edit: better said, the alternator is to the right side of the engine (or engine bay).

Here is a picture, not as clear as I would like to but good enough:

And here are all the layouts depending on the accessories fitted:

Thanks for the exploded view...much clearer now. Yes definitely the tensioner pully that won't come off the spline. Hoping today to have some French speaking help to ensure the tensioner and idler pulley are changed as well as anything else (viscous fan I think as it wobbles).
I don't usually have trouble in any shop, store, business etc with my French ( 6/7 hour dinners with the French neighbours usually teaches one to be able to converse on most subjects) but the tehcnical/mechanical words rarely translate directly.....must see if there is such a dictionary out there.
Regards and thanks,
Thanks for the exploded view...much clearer now. Yes definitely the tensioner pully that won't come off the spline. Hoping today to have some French speaking help to ensure the tensioner and idler pulley are changed as well as anything else (viscous fan I think as it wobbles).
I don't usually have trouble in any shop, store, business etc with my French ( 6/7 hour dinners with the French neighbours usually teaches one to be able to converse on most subjects) but the tehcnical/mechanical words rarely translate directly.....must see if there is such a dictionary out there.
Regards and thanks,
i posted a link to such a thing the other day.. i think it wur in the bit above the series bit
'Tank e sur.....I will have a look and copy the links as I have done with all the links posted last week from the other "Stranded" thread.
Thanks to all on here (special thanks to some snotty-nosed guy breathing whiskey fumes down the phone) .......this morning Jason2 intervened on my behalf by phone and not only ratified what I had already translated from the garage owner, but TOTALLY clarified the rest of the situation and technicalities which were beyond my technical and also French abilities.
The garage is waiting for a special tool from Land Rover to clamp the shaft of the viscous fan to remove it and are under instruction to replace tensioner and idler pulley along with the belt. Only when all that is done and they run the engine will they be able to determine if there is a problem elsewhere which may have caused the aux. belt to snap. End of the week is the loose focal point and I will post results as they arrive.
Thanks all.
p.s. Very helpful forum here.......hope I can contribute something sometime.
reet daft this is from my big book of french wurds

Arbre : (bot,ling) tree, ~fruitier/d'agrément..... fruit/ornamental tree

(tech) shaft, arbre à cames...........camshaft

arbre de couche..........driving shaft

arbre de transmission........prop shaft

arbre de noél............crimbe tree

so while yer right yer also wrong whereas, as always am right
Here is a list (some duplicated) which I have copied from another forum I frequent. I don't know how to put it in a link but some of it may be of help to some poor unfortunate (like myself) on here, either living or travelling in French speaking countries.

I have run out of petrol Je suis en panne d'essence
Je suis en panne sèche
My car has broken down Ma voiture est tombée en panne
My car won't start Ma voiture ne démarre pas
My car needs a jump start J'ai besoin de faire démarrer une voiture en branchant ma batterie sur une autre
or (less formal): J'ai besoin de faire démarrer avec les cables
I have a flat tyre J'ai un pneu crevé
My battery is flat Je n'ai plus de batterie
I locked the keys in the car J'ai enfermé mes clés dans ma voiture
I have had an accident J'ai eu un accident de voiture
J'ai eu un accrochage
I crashed the car J'ai eu un accident
J'ai eu une collision avec ma voiture
I skidded J'ai dérapé
He crashed into me Il m'est rentré dedans avec sa voiture

English French
air-conditioning la climatisation (clim)
air tyre pressure la pression des pneus
axle un essieu
battery une batterie
brake light un témoin de frein
bodywork la carrosserie
brakes les freins
brake fluid le liquide de frein
break down tomber en panne
breakdown truck une dépanneuse
cam shaft un arbre à cames
carburettor un carburateur
catalytic convertor un pot catalytique
check the oil vérifier le niveau d'huile
check the pressure vérifier la pression
choke un starter
clutch embrayage
connecting rod une bielle
crankshaft un vilebrequin
cruise control system un régulateur de vitesse
cylinder un cylindre
cylinder head une culasse
cylinder head gasket un joint de culasse
dashboard le tableau de bord
dipstick une jauge de niveau d'huile
distributor (head) (tête de) Delco / un distributeur
drive shaft un arbre moteur
engine le moteur
exhaust pipe un pot d’échappement
exhaust valve un clapet de refoulement
fan ventilateur
fan belt une courroie de ventilateur
fender/bumper un pare-chocs
fog headlamp/headlights un feu anti-brouillard
front-wheel drive la traction avant
fuel gauge une jauge à essence
fuel pump une pompe d’alimentation
fuse un fusible
gear (box) une (boîte de) vitesse
grill une calandre
hatchback/tailgate un hayon
headlamps/headlights les phares
horsepower un cheval (fiscal)
hubcap un enjoliveur
ignition allumage
ignition switch le démarreur
indicator un clignotant
jack un cric
jump leads/cables câbles de démarrage
oil change une vidange
oil gauge une jauge d’huile
muffler/silencer un silencieux
number plates plaques de immatriculation
power steering la direction assistée
radiator un radiateur
rear lamps/tail lights feux arrières
roll bar un arceau de sécurité
service a car faire la révision
shock absorber un amortisseur
side mirror rétroviseur
spare part une pièce détachée / de rechange
spare wheel une roue de secours
spark plug une bougie
speedometer un compteur de vitesse
steering column la colonne de direction
steering lock un antivol
steering wheel le Volant
surface adhesion la tenue de route
gas/fuel tank un réservoir
test for structural damage passer au marbre
transmission la transmission
tune a car régler le moteur
tyre pneu
tyre tread une bande de roulement
unleaded petrol essence sans plomb
water pipe une durit
water pump une pompe à eau
wheel une roue
wheel alignment le parallélisme des roues
wheel balancing équilibrage de roue
windscreen / windshield un pare-brise
windscreen wipers essuie glace
wing une aile
wiring le câblage
reet daft this is from my big book of french wurds

Arbre : (bot,ling) tree, ~fruitier/d'agrément..... fruit/ornamental tree

(tech) shaft, arbre à cames...........camshaft

arbre de couche..........driving shaft

arbre de transmission........prop shaft

arbre de noél............crimbe tree

so while yer right yer also wrong whereas, as always am right

blurry stoopeed frogs - fancy gettin ya hippoo back with a fruit tree growin out of the cylinder head - or a nice row of propshafts sittin in an orchard!:rolleyes:

yu sure an Arbre de couche aint a stiffie?
int any worserer than brake shoes. ah mean can you imagine trying to stop yer landy with just a pair of hush puppies?
.. probelly asking the wrong one here but yer know what i mean

what about hand brake ? the only person i think that could use a hand brake would be dick17 but only when he's not got his boxing gloves on
taillight now that ah thought! dave could do with a tail light so i can see him in the dark
Thanks to all on here (special thanks to some snotty-nosed guy breathing whiskey fumes down the phone) .......this morning Jason2 intervened on my behalf by phone and not only ratified what I had already translated from the garage owner, but TOTALLY clarified the rest of the situation and technicalities which were beyond my technical and also French abilities.
The garage is waiting for a special tool from Land Rover to clamp the shaft of the viscous fan to remove it and are under instruction to replace tensioner and idler pulley along with the belt. Only when all that is done and they run the engine will they be able to determine if there is a problem elsewhere which may have caused the aux. belt to snap. End of the week is the loose focal point and I will post results as they arrive.
Thanks all.
p.s. Very helpful forum here.......hope I can contribute something sometime.

Your welcome Riggy:) Let us know how you get on!

When I first came out here I used to go to the builders merchants and ask for "Un m3 de "plage" s'il vous plait" cos I did'nt know how to say "Sand":D

Plage means beach for those that dont know!
My first big faux pas was luckily in a local friendly restaurant around here.
When first here and staying on the Lot/Dordogne border, I learned the expression 'a plein' when filling up at the garage.........I used the same expression in my local restaurant after a very large meal when attempting to pay the bill saying...'Je suis plein'.....thinking I was saying I was full....but, with a clenched hand screwing it round her nose, the hostess rolled about laughing as did her Chef husband......little did I know I was telling them that I was ****ed!!!!
My first big faux pas was luckily in a local friendly restaurant around here.
When first here and staying on the Lot/Dordogne border, I learned the expression 'a plein' when filling up at the garage.........I used the same expression in my local restaurant after a very large meal when attempting to pay the bill saying...'Je suis plein'.....thinking I was saying I was full....but, with a clenched hand screwing it round her nose, the hostess rolled about laughing as did her Chef husband......little did I know I was telling them that I was ****ed!!!!

Yeh! Love it,done that one too:) :)

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