
What are the legality's on this?
Can you run without a silencer or is it best to fit one.
Is there a loud ness limit to yer exhaust?
I dont give a ****.........running just a Y-pipe on the rangiev8

on My quattro's I just took them back to the place that my exhaust was fitted.;)

Comment was "we've tested much louder"

I dont give a ****.........running just a Y-pipe on the rangiev8

on My quattro's I just took them back to the place that my exhaust was fitted.;)

Comment was "we've tested much louder"


That's reassuring:D
I am liking the lack of silencer on me 90, the old 19j runs so much better, maybe my old silencer was a bit blocked:eek:
Ideal, I am liking this, my boss's Disco has a straight through, but its a lot longer and dunt sound as loud as me 90, I have a bend that exits before the passenger rear wheel:p
Ideal, I am liking this, my boss's Disco has a straight through, but its a lot longer and dunt sound as loud as me 90, I have a bend that exits before the passenger rear wheel:p

Same as what I've got going on after my MOT.
Wider bore pipe with no boxes exiting behind the door. Get a deep burble and a turbo whistle too... it's magical :D
hahaa i had no silencers on my 200tdi series 3 and to be honest it just ****ed me off on long journeys and its too raspy and sounds better with one silencer just takes off the high pitch and the raspyness.
most of the silencing will be taken care of by the turbo and the CAT. there is no specific noise level but an MOT tester can, if he chooses, not to pass it on the basis that it is overly loud. The police can give you a ticket and impound your car if it is of an antisocial nature too.
Theres plenty TVRs that are stupid loud....I think its just a matter of keepin the revs down/ noise low late or early in some of the quieter residential areas
Gents, just to put some clarity on the subject, I have 2 boys one 19 the other 21 both with hot hatches, last year the plod had a purge on the boy racers in town and both my boys got pulled by a traffic plod, he gave then both a fine of £30 for having too loud exhausts, theirs were 98 and 110db, the limit is 79db according to plod, I questioned this with said plod as both cars had recently passed MOT's and was told the exhaust noise level is not tested at MOT, only if it is working properly, ie: it doesn't leak!
move on a few weeks and boys have done nothing to quieten exhausts, and get nicked Again!! this time told that if caught once more , cars would be impounded then crushed!!!
I again phoned traffic cop shop to complain, and was told that if they were caught again with anything other than a standard exhaust on the cars they would be crushed,
I was told by a senior traffic cop (after i complained) that anything other than a standard exhaust on a vehicle is illegal!!
now i'm sure we all run with some sort of modified exhaust, but we are taking a chance!
I was told by a senior traffic cop that anything other than a standard exhaust on a vehicle is illegal!!
unfortunately thats total bollicks

my mate works for janspeed who make aftermarket "sports" "modified" "non standard" whatever you wanna call it

and they have been producing exhausts for god knows how many years
all there exhausts are sold by different shops and internet sites all over the country

so if there illegal why would they be producing them and countless companys selling them

i think youve been fed a load of bollicks by a jobs worth officer..

my old saphire cosworth when i had it had an exhaust made by torque technique in salisbury and it was fooking loud when i did get pulled it only ended up with me having to produce my documents as they could find nothing wrong with the vehicle
one thing about that statement ther are loads of "stuff" being sold quiet legally to make large amounts of money!!But you only brake laws when you use the product not buy selling it or buying it but when using it.Just to add put a janspeed on an old sri cavi loved every minute of it sounded great
It's perfectly legal to run an after-market exhaust... you just need to be respectful of the neighbours as they can complain and the police to indeed have the powers to seize your car if you are being anti-social (section59)

So no hooning about in the middle of town, or down quiet residential streets.

Or, you can fit moveable exhaust cutouts to change the volume of the exhaust as you see fit.
I cut up my rear silencer and made it into a straight pipe, tucked it hard up to the rear body, gained an extra 4 inches clearence on that :D Sounds good, quiet at low revs, but when they start picking up you get a nice burble!
they talk crap - there is no legal limit and you can fit non standard exhausts.

Gents, just to put some clarity on the subject, I have 2 boys one 19 the other 21 both with hot hatches, last year the plod had a purge on the boy racers in town and both my boys got pulled by a traffic plod, he gave then both a fine of £30 for having too loud exhausts, theirs were 98 and 110db, the limit is 79db according to plod, I questioned this with said plod as both cars had recently passed MOT's and was told the exhaust noise level is not tested at MOT, only if it is working properly, ie: it doesn't leak!
move on a few weeks and boys have done nothing to quieten exhausts, and get nicked Again!! this time told that if caught once more , cars would be impounded then crushed!!!
I again phoned traffic cop shop to complain, and was told that if they were caught again with anything other than a standard exhaust on the cars they would be crushed,
I was told by a senior traffic cop (after i complained) that anything other than a standard exhaust on a vehicle is illegal!!
now i'm sure we all run with some sort of modified exhaust, but we are taking a chance!
They don't talk crap at all.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Beds/Bucks/Herts | Police alert for noisy exhausts

exhaust noise 360.pdf

Q1) Do I have to have a standard exhaust system on the car or can it be an aftermarket, louder system and will/won t pass the MOT? A1) Regulation 54(2) of the Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986 as amended states that every exhaust system and silencer shall be maintained in good and efficient working order and shall not after the date of manufacture be altered so as to increase the noise made by the escape of exhaust gas. The MOT test includes a subjective test of exhaust noise and the vehicle will fail if the noise emitted from the vehicle is clearly unreasonably above the level expected from a similar vehicle with a standard silencer in average condition.
They don't talk crap at all.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Beds/Bucks/Herts | Police alert for noisy exhausts

exhaust noise 360.pdf

Q1) Do I have to have a standard exhaust system on the car or can it be an aftermarket, louder system and will/won t pass the MOT? A1) Regulation 54(2) of the Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986 as amended states that every exhaust system and silencer shall be maintained in good and efficient working order and shall not after the date of manufacture be altered so as to increase the noise made by the escape of exhaust gas. The MOT test includes a subjective test of exhaust noise and the vehicle will fail if the noise emitted from the vehicle is clearly unreasonably above the level expected from a similar vehicle with a standard silencer in average condition.

Just make it legal for mot then change back
They don't talk crap at all.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | Beds/Bucks/Herts | Police alert for noisy exhausts

exhaust noise 360.pdf

Q1) Do I have to have a standard exhaust system on the car or can it be an aftermarket, louder system and will/won t pass the MOT? A1) Regulation 54(2) of the Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986 as amended states that every exhaust system and silencer shall be maintained in good and efficient working order and shall not after the date of manufacture be altered so as to increase the noise made by the escape of exhaust gas. The MOT test includes a subjective test of exhaust noise and the vehicle will fail if the noise emitted from the vehicle is clearly unreasonably above the level expected from a similar vehicle with a standard silencer in average condition.

I will test the theory and take it for mot with the staight through pipe and see what happens.
My bosses disco has straight through and has passed mot ect.
He got all his work done by OEC International
in kingsteighton think they may even MOT'd it but dunno, will ask him:D:D

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