Lynx has an emergency set of values, by trying it, this is the numbers read by unlock suite.

Lynx has an emergency set of values, by trying it, this is the numbers read by unlock suite.


Thanks for that Druim , those values look pretty much like I have stored in my ECU, I have put in numerous different settings in the past but the outcome is always the same. If I can get to try another ECU that will eliminate that possible cause failing that got to start looking at the mechanical side of it, although it all looks good underneath.
Thanks for that Druim , those values look pretty much like I have stored in my ECU, I have put in numerous different settings in the past but the outcome is always the same. If I can get to try another ECU that will eliminate that possible cause failing that got to start looking at the mechanical side of it, although it all looks good underneath.

Can you not change 1 single value 1 point? As Wammers posted make sure all values are within limits or nothing will happen
Would one of you kind gentlemen have a spare EAS ECU that I could borrow for a short while? Will happily pay for postage and add a few beer tokens. Could be worth a try because I put in some way out of range values into mine at the weekend and it did not revert to factory settings? Also I think I will remove front bags and swap them over just to see what happens.
Swapping the airbags will do nothing, the height to which they inflate is governed by the height sensors.
You can pick up EAS ECU's on Ebay for not a lot.
If you are really stuck I have a working spare but postage from France is not cheap.
I suppose you are changing the numbers in the lower set of boxes and then hitting write?
I suppose you are changing the numbers in the lower set of boxes and then hitting write?

Think he must be doing something wrong Keith, his numbers have a bit to go before he hits the default wall can't think why he is struggling. :);)
Can you not change 1 single value 1 point? As Wammers posted make sure all values are within limits or nothing will happen

I can change any of the values by 1 point on any corner and stay well with in the limits and the car will move on that command, apart from FL. For instance when I start to calibrate I always start at access height which on mine is around 74 for fronts if I change values on FR it will move to that change, be it 1 or 10 points, on the other hand when I write new values to FL it does not take any changes, I can go as low as 50 and still nothing, it feels like there is no comms with FL?
Think he must be doing something wrong Keith, his numbers have a bit to go before he hits the default wall can't think why he is struggling. :);)

Hi Wammers,
that's the thing, while I was calibrating yesterday I was taking FL down by 2 points at a time hitting the write tab then re measuring, still no movement until I got as low as 50 on access height, so on purpose I wrote a value below expected height but the ECU did not revert to its own settings? just don't understand.:confused:
i know this may seem a little basic but if rear is level and front is not then surely the chassis is twisted, when setting mine up if one corner was high then lifting the diagonaly opposite one the high one would come down.
i know this may seem a little basic but if rear is level and front is not then surely the chassis is twisted, when setting mine up if one corner was high then lifting the diagonaly opposite one the high one would come down.
The front would still adjust with the software, the problem is, no response.
The front would still adjust with the software, the problem is, no response.
Hi Datatek,
I have ordered another ECU of the bay,what is the best procedure to fit it? Should i disconnect battery before hand or is it ok to leave it connected? Should i see what values are already written to it or put in what i have stored in mine.
Thanks Paul.
Hi Datatek,
I have ordered another ECU of the bay,what is the best procedure to fit it? Should i disconnect battery before hand or is it ok to leave it connected? Should i see what values are already written to it or put in what i have stored in mine.
Thanks Paul.
Ideally disconnect the battery and leave a door or tailgate open.
If you are worried about disconnecting the battery or you don't have the EKA or radio codes, pull the EAS fuses and still leave a door or tailgate open until all is reconnected and fuses are replaced.
JotaPê;3011703 said:
PPP38vouge, buy some nylon 66 rod bar with 30mm dia, build calibration block with the sizes that wammers has in his "how to" thread :
The nylon 66 rod bar is like this one:
Calibrate your suspension with the blocks before buying ECU, bags or sensors.
As there is no response from the sensor, seems unlikely it will help IMO.
Ideally disconnect the battery and leave a door or tailgate open.
If you are worried about disconnecting the battery or you don't have the EKA or radio codes, pull the EAS fuses and still leave a door or tailgate open until all is reconnected and fuses are replaced.

Hi Datatek,
once replacement ECU is installed should I write my previous settings to it or just see where she sits? As you suggested I shall try and recalibrate with key in position 2 (engine not running) but am a bit concerned about flattening battery? I have a good strong battery how long do you think it is safe to recal before it affects battery output? I shall ensure air tank is full before I start and make sure all other electrical items are switched off.
Hi Datatek,
once replacement ECU is installed should I write my previous settings to it or just see where she sits? As you suggested I shall try and recalibrate with key in position 2 (engine not running) but am a bit concerned about flattening battery? I have a good strong battery how long do you think it is safe to recal before it affects battery output? I shall ensure air tank is full before I start and make sure all other electrical items are switched off.
Plug in and see what happens, then see if you can adjust the offending corner. If that works go on the calibrate all 4 corners. Don't forget that adjust any one corner will affect all the others due to weight transfer, so you will have to tweak each corner more than once.
As long as you start with a full tank of air, half an hour of calibrating should not affect the battery unduly, if you are worried, run the engine.
Evening all,
So, have changed my EAS ECU as per Datateks instructions , hardest part is removing and replacing screws, fired her up and........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... long last fronts are level, rears are bang as usual, plugged in laptop checked for faults, no faults, checked values all look good, measured all corners at each height all as should be, drove a 80 mile round trip today, no more front end dance in traffic, chaecked
Pump on return and barley warm to the touch. So a very happy bunny now, it's been a long six months trying to fix this issue. Thanks to all for your help.

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