I have one of them, its big heavy and a pain in the arse but I have not had my 90 stolen yet. Had it a while there is a different one with additional bits on the side to prevent people reaching behind and cutting through the pedal avaliable now from here Anti Theft Devices - Mudsport Automotive I am going to weld on some side bits to mine when i get round to it.
Have you already got a disclock?

Get herself one of them first pal, and put full lock on steering before you put it on ;););)

What Grimmer said ^^^^^^^.

Get yourself a disclock and make sure you use it every time you park your landy. A landy with the steering on full lock and with a disclock fitted is far less likely to be stolen as it cannot be driven or towed away on a rope. It is Very hard (although not impossible) to load onto a recovery truck and that leaves the use of a hi-ab (crane) as about the only real way of nicking it.
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What Grimmer said ^^^^^^^.

Get yourself a disclock and make sure you use it every time you park your landy. A landy with the steering on full lock and with a disclock fitted is far less likely to be stolen as it cannot be driven or towed away on a rope. It is Very hard (although not impossible) to load onto a recovery truck and that leaves the use of a hi-ab (crane) as about the only real way of nicking it.

Got myself a good condition, second hand, large disclok and the fukin things too small. Even looked on the disclok website where it said size large would fit defender!
I know daft ****, should have measured wheel first! DOH!:mad::(:doh:
Looks like it's a pedal clamp for me.
i have the adrenalin4x4 mk2 version, with the sides and a top piece to stop pedals being cut. Bought from flebay. It is pain in the backside to put on, but once on you can't see/get to the pedals at all. Very well made.
Got myself a good condition, second hand, large disclok and the fukin things too small. Even looked on the disclok website where it said size large would fit defender!
I know daft ****, should have measured wheel first! DOH!:mad::(:doh:
Looks like it's a pedal clamp for me.

Is it definitely a large genuine one?? I've got the large one and mine fit's no problem on the smallest setting, so theres a bit of room to spare:confused::confused:
Got myself a good condition, second hand, large disclok and the fukin things too small. Even looked on the disclok website where it said size large would fit defender!
I know daft ****, should have measured wheel first! DOH!:mad::(:doh:
Looks like it's a pedal clamp for me.

Are you sure it's a large one?:confused:
Length of thick gauge wire wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, and sprayed black, wire it in with an isolater switch, and when it is hot wired, the steering wheel will become extremely hot very quickly. home alone style
Length of thick gauge wire wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, and sprayed black, wire it in with an isolater switch, and when it is hot wired, the steering wheel will become extremely hot very quickly. home alone style

Good luck in prison.
Length of thick gauge wire wrapped tightly around the steering wheel, and sprayed black, wire it in with an isolater switch, and when it is hot wired, the steering wheel will become extremely hot very quickly. home alone style

good man.......they will see its not worth it and move on........**** the do-gooders nicking something is nicking, simples.
Not being a 'do gooder'...far from it...you know what the court system in the UK is like, they'll let the thief off and send you down for protecting your property...so, unless you're prepared to go down then i'd avoid doing something illegal yourself..
good man.......they will see its not worth it and move on........**** the do-gooders nicking something is nicking, simples.

how the fook did 'do-gooder' become an insult anyway?........fancy going round trying to do good....bastid :rolleyes:
fair play storm.

Would rather go down then let some dick nick what ive worked and paid taxes:mad:

more peeps with this attitude and that carry them out the sooner we can reverse this protect the thief bull****:mad:

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