Jim Bob

Hi all fellow Freelander owners,
I have owned my first Freelander since New Years Eve and I'm really enjoying it. The stop start even when the button light is on doesn't work although its not really a problem but I wondered if there was a way to switch it back on or a way to test why its not working.
Your thoughts on this would be great thanks
The stop-start will only function if the battery is healthy. If the battery monitor system sees the battery is below spec, stop-start will be disabled.
Thanks Nodge68 I'll ask my mechanic to test the battery and monitoring system when I'm free

It's difficult to test without dedicated LR test equipment. As a rule, if the battery is over 4 or 5 years old, then just replace it with a decent quality AGM. ;)
Thanks for the heads up on that, I'll price up a battery, been recommended that I should go for a genuine Land Rover one supposedly?
Whoever does puts LandRover on it so I best look closely at the battery to see if I can get some clues as to who manufacturers it maybe I'll be able to buy their equivalent one at a cheaper price :)
The LR battery in my D3 was made by Lucas.
LR will simply use whoever will supply them what they want, at the best price.
I like Exide myself, but I'm sure they're all much of a muchness.
Thanks, Is that something only a Land Rover dealer can do or a mechanic who works on many types and knows a great deal about them please?

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