
New Member
Defender 90 TD5 STOLEN
Dark Metallic Green
16" Land Rover Alloy Wheels
Black A bar with 2 spot lights
"Hurricane" Sticker on bottom of doors
Roof rack (aftermarket)
Dent and scratch on Drivers door
Registration: T747 BSN

I am putting up this posting as I had my TD5 stolen early hours Sunday 17th July in Forest of Dean.
I understand its a long shot but please keep your eyes peeled and pass on this message to others who may be able to help.

Thankyou for your help.

Stephen Harris
Gutted for you mate, good luck but to put it bluntly its probably in pieces now (the thieving Bas***ds)
Hope it turns up pal, i know how gutted id be if mine went!!!
keep us posted
I don't know how i missed this but i did.
Totaly gutted for you,i will make this topic sticky and keep it on top for a while. Probably won't do any good bet every little helps...
Dear Stephen

I am sorry to hear that you have had your Landy stolen. We had ours stolen from the front path in March and it has taken until recently to get ourselves sorted with a new one. Ours was a 110 (1992) County. It was one of two stolen on the same night and used in a ram raid, they never caught the thieves! We have put a large ballard on the driveway and my husband has made a huge steering wheel lock out of heavy weight steel, so hopefully that together with the alarm/immobiliser will stop the swines from trying again.

I do hope you find it - or at least get a good deal from your insurers.

best wishes

Thank you for your concern, but we have still heard nothing and we assume its long gone :( . Just waiting to hear off the insurance company but they seem to want one heck of a lot of info. We are trying to find a similar landrover to what we used to have. Thanks very much
got a good tip, put your transfer box lever in nuetral when leaving your beast then when a scally tries a quick nick he will be too stupid to realise that the transfer box is in nuetral and the landy won't move anywhere.
Hiya Stephen,
Did you get the insurance money sorted out ok? Any luck with a new vehicle yet? (not the same when you got to start from scratch) Its a bitch when something like this happens but what can you do? The law is too soft and where are all the police?

Good tip Jimthelandyman!
fishface220 said:
Hiya Stephen,
Did you get the insurance money sorted out ok? Any luck with a new vehicle yet? (not the same when you got to start from scratch) Its a bitch when something like this happens but what can you do? The law is too soft and where are all the police?

Good tip Jimthelandyman!
Thanks for your concern very much appreciated.Have got the insurrance settled and new vehicle.decided to try discovery 300tdi ,but I am still trying to get used to it prefer defender td5 .The one good thing is its a lot warmer than the td5 .Thanks Stephen
Also got a great tip for you, I bet your roof rack and any other recognisable parts end up on ebay. Keep looking on ebay then phone your mates up when you recognise a part and pay the bastards a visit.:mad:

Hey im up for a bit of thief bashing if ya need a hand.;)

good luck and i hope it works out for you.
ffs this car was stolen over a year ago, i would imagine he has had another 2 cars since then and possibly had another one stolen.
Sorry to hear that, i'll be at the Lro show rumedging through the jumble this weekend, send a pic of anything unique and will keep an eye out. May be useful to forward a contact number by private email,


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