Tom the young un

New Member
I've had my soft rubber style A-bar and wipac spots

(seen here: eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace)

taken from from my defender while it was parked inside a locked compound style parking arrangement at my flat near doncaster ) close to the freckly 4x4 if anyone is up there soon.
They have climbed the wall (about 8ft) and unbolted the bumper, undone the bullet connectors on one light and cut the wires on the other before making off somewhere with it all. The plastic brackets at the top of the a bar have been snapped (i'll post some photos of the broken bit left so you can see the break pattern). Police have been pretty useless and I've pretty much given up on getting it back. I know distinguishing it from others is nigh on impossible but if anyone should spot one which matches the description, maybe you could question them thoroughly on where its come from.
Not nearly as bad as many of the stories of stolen defenders on here but any help would be appreciated!

if you get another one then here is a good way of definitly tellling it yours should it happen again get something to inscribe your reg and postcode on it some where where it is not to visible to the thief good luck on getting it back
I wouldn't know if its yours or not but at the weekend I was surfing on eBay and in Birmingham there was a soft a bar and pair of spots. Seem to think it was 150 quid? I'll try to find it again.
Hi everyone, thanks for the advice previously. I think i might have stumbled across it while searching fleabay for something completely different.
Land Rover Defender Td5 A Bar Rubber Bumper | eBay

It's in Pontefract which is about 20 mins from where it was stolen from and the top brackets look new to me from the photos (the original ones were snapped off when it was taken) Also, the bottom brackets don't appear to be included in the sale (they're sitting in the workshop at home as they weren't stolen). I'm 90% sure that the mud marks are the same as the ones that were on mine (i had been down a green lane shortly before) although this really is clutching at straws i know.
Obviously it's nigh on impossible to prove anything and it could all be a coincidence but has anyone got any suggestions of what i could do?
Cheers all.
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\well i reported it a few days ago while there were still 2 days left on the item and they said they would look into it. The listing ended a few days ago and i've not heard anything back. Bloody useless. I know there's not exactly much they can do but at least a phone call would have been nice...
To add insult to injury, someone tried to steal my Defender last night. When i looked at it this morning they had tried to hotwire it from the sidelight by the look of things. Headlight surround was off, and all the lights were out with cut wires. Joy of joys.
And you say this was in some sort of compound?
Yeah. Exactly. Its basically 3 blocks of 12 flats with an 8ft wall around them and an electric gate with a code. Unfortunately it seems that half of the town know the code to the gate. I'm trying to get it changed but the company who look after it all aren't very forthcoming.
on the item description it says he's seling his defender or parts from it... give him a call from the item description his number is 07738879337. see if it all adds up properly?
looking at his feed back he has sold a few a bars, most of his sales have been things that are easily removed from vehicles without actually moving them
To add insult to injury, someone tried to steal my Defender last night. When i looked at it this morning they had tried to hotwire it from the sidelight by the look of things. Headlight surround was off, and all the lights were out with cut wires. Joy of joys.

They weren't hot wiring it they were silencing the alarm and killing the hazard lights that come on when the alarm goes off:mad:
Yeah. Exactly. Its basically 3 blocks of 12 flats with an 8ft wall around them and an electric gate with a code. Unfortunately it seems that half of the town know the code to the gate. I'm trying to get it changed but the company who look after it all aren't very forthcoming.

If the contract by which you bought/rent flat said in a secure compound then they are in breach of contract by not changing it regularly. Inform them in writing that "undesirables" have managed to open the gates and attempt to steal a vehicle. They should take action.
on the item description it says he's seling his defender or parts from it... give him a call from the item description his number is 07738879337. see if it all adds up properly?

Put me right if I'm wrong but i cant think of any way of proving that it's mine even if i had it in my hands. Anyone with good ideas?

looking at his feed back he has sold a few a bars, most of his sales have been things that are easily removed from vehicles without actually moving them

Yeah he seems pretty dodgy to me. At the time he was selling a farm quad (Honda TRX 350 i think - i can't work out how you look at ended listings of other people..?) where he contradicted himself several times in the description when it came to the ownership/reason for sale.
When i reported it to the police i told her the user name and she said she thought she knew who it was and that he owned a land rover himself (as though that makes any difference...) and then seemed to loose interest :(
They weren't hot wiring it they were silencing the alarm and killing the hazard lights that come on when the alarm goes off:mad:

Ahh that makes more sense. I was surprised that they would event try hotwiring directly to the starter seeing as they must know something about defenders to be trying things like this and it clearly wouldn't work being a TD5. Lucky that I've got an aftermarket alarm fitted!
They cant be very good at what they do as the alarm sensors are pretty obvious and they hadn't even managed to short any of the circuits.
Luckily one of the other guys at uni here did an electrical engineering apprenticeship so had all of his soldering/electrical gear with him so i could patch it up pretty quickly.
If the contract by which you bought/rent flat said in a secure compound then they are in breach of contract by not changing it regularly. Inform them in writing that "undesirables" have managed to open the gates and attempt to steal a vehicle. They should take action.
Thanks for the good idea - I'll try this approach :)

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