
New Member
Hi all, haven't been on here for a while. Was planning on restoring my 2a this summer but some twunt decided to help themselves to it last night. It was taken around 3am from Hitchin, Hertfordshire. If any of you see/hear of it I would be very grateful to hear some news! There'll be a reward if I get it back, it had sentimental value.
Here's a pic of it


P.s. - moderators, I would be grateful if you could sticky this topic.
i think yu mite be better to crop the picture to the size of the s2 and to auto brighten it to show some detail.

a bit like this....


  • Image075.jpg
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Leaving the door open isnt a good move .

seriously though, hope all goes well.
and the theiving bstds catch something nasty and die.
I will keep an eye out for it you live in Hitchin and I herald from Luton but travel through Hitchin on my way to Buntingford.......

I know it's a long shot but who knows!!!! luck might be with us....

I sincerely hope you get it returned,, asap
sir Adrian
Just spoke to a neighbour and she said she saw it head Luton way, and we had been in Stopsley yesterday evening, so maybe we were followed home? If you could keep your eyes peeled around there too, that would be great.

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